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Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo

Watanabe Trust Fund at the University of Iceland

The Watanabe Trust Fund at the University of Iceland is now accepting scholarship applications. You can apply for: 1) a scholarship for study abroad for students at UI or a Japanese university; 2) a travel and maintenance grant for post-docs and other academic staff. Scholarships are available to both undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as grants intended to support the exchange of academic staff. Students and academic staff from all schools can apply.

The Watanabe Trust Fund has provided eligible applicants with unique opportunities to study and/or conduct research in Iceland or Japan. This is the ninth time allocation of scholarships/grants from the Fund. In the last allocation period, 16 students and academics were awarded funding, totalling ISK 11 million.

The application deadline is 15 January 2019.

Students registered at the University of Iceland intending to take part of their studies at a Japanese university are eligible to apply for a scholarship, as are students registered at a Japanese university intending to take part of their studies at the University of Iceland. University of Iceland staff may also apply for grants to fund trips to Japan. Staff at Japanese universities and research institutes may apply for grants to fund a stay at the University of Iceland.

Scholarships to cover maintenance costs will be provided in the form of monthly payments. Each scholarship is expected to be ISK 210,000 per month to fund a period in Iceland or JPY 150,000 per month to fund a period in Japan. Scholarship recipients staying for longer than one month will also receive up to ISK 200,000 to cover travel expenses. The Fund will not provide grants to cover tuition fees or other expenses. Post-docs and other academic staff are also eligible to receive up to ISK 500,000 to fund shorter stays, up to one month, related to their academic work or research collaboration between the University of Iceland and educational or research institutes in Japan.

Scholarships/grants may cover up to nine months study abroad for undergraduate, postgraduate or postdoctoral students or a nine-month stay for academics to conduct research work. This period must be in the academic year 2019-2020.

Applications should be in English and submitted by email to [email protected] before midnight on 15 January 2019.

Final reports and testimonials from former recipients can be found on the Fund's website: sjodir.hi.is/watanabe_trust_fund

Applications will be assessed by the Board of the Fund. Board members are responsible for selecting recipients. The Board may decide not to provide an applicant with a scholarship/grant.

Further information and application forms are available from the University of Iceland International Office, the University of Iceland funds email address, [email protected] and the Watanabe Trust Fund website: sjodir.hi.is/watanabe_trust_fund

Hafliði Sævarsson, project manager at the International Office, can also provide information on the Fund: tel 525-5264, email: [email protected]


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