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Statement at the UN LGBTI core group side event at the UN 75 General Assembly

LGBTI Core Group's event "Building Back Better: How to create a virtuous circle for the inclusion for all LGBTI persons". UN 75th General Assembly. By Foreign Minister Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson.

Let me first say how happy I am to be able to address this side-event today, organized by the UN LGBTI Core Group.

Iceland was proud to be able to finally join the Core Group earlier this year, along with Nepal. We aim to do our very best to contribute to the work of the Group – while at the same time advancing even further the rights of LGBTI persons at home, where our work is not yet complete, despite great progress in recent years.

I see human rights as a cornerstone of Iceland´s foreign policy. 

I also believe that if we are to achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, with the ultimate goal of “Leaving No One Behind”, we must guarantee the non-discrimination and equality of all, including persons belonging to LGBTI communities around the world. 

We must remove all stigmatization and institutional prejudices and ensure LGBTI persons can enjoy their fundamental freedoms and dignity wherever they are. 

Challenges still remain. Many countries have yet to even remove legal biases against LGBTI persons – casting a long and heavy shadow on their existence. 

But we should not forget that we have come a long way and what we need to do now is redouble our efforts, thus creating that circle of virtue so very necessary to make it to the next level.

In that effort the UN LGBTI Core Group will play a key role and I therefore take this opportunity to pay tribute to your work.

Thank you for allowing me to be with you today.




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