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HRC57 - NB8 statement - South Sudan

Human Rights Council ‒ 57th session
Item 10: Interactive Dialogue on the oral update of OHCHR on technical assistance and capacity-building for South Sudan
Statement by Norway on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states
7 October 2024


On behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries, I thank the OHCHR for the update and your important work in South Sudan.

Credible and peaceful elections are a necessary and fundamental component of a political environment that protects and promotes human rights. When South Sudan’s leaders yet again extended the transitional period agreed in the Revitalized Peace Agreement, they once more failed to deliver to the people of South Sudan their first chance to elect their own leaders.

Armed conflict and gross human rights violations continue to be prevalent (in South Sudan). Millions of people remain displaced, deprived and traumatized. Women endure gross sexual and gender-based violence and children suffer egregious violations.

Abuses and violations must stop, and perpetrators held accountable. We urge the transitional government to fully implement Chapter V on transitional justice.

South Sudan’s government has failed in the past to prepare for elections. We urge South Sudan’s leaders to make genuine use of the next two years, and to make full use of the support provided by the Office, so that real progress can been achieved.

Thank you.


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