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UNESCO: National Statement of Iceland at the 220th Session of the Executive Board

National Statement of Iceland
220th session of the Executive Board of UNESCO, October 2024

Delivered by Deputy Permanent Delegate of Iceland, Ms. Kristín Halla Kristinsdóttir 

Madame Chairperson of the Executive Board,  
Madame Director-General,
Madame President of the General Conference,
Excellencies, distinguished colleagues,

As we reflect on the outcomes of the recent Summit of the Future, it is clear that UNESCO’s mandate remains as crucial than ever. UNESCO’s promotion of education, science, culture, and communication is vital for addressing the complex challenges facing us,  and for strengthening the foundation for global peace, development and a prosperous future for all.

All of us here have a responsibility to help advancing those goals.

One of the key takeaways from the Summit of the Future is the critical role of youth engagement. Young people are not just the leaders of tomorrow; they are the change-makers of today. UNESCO must continue to empower youth, providing them with the tools and platforms to voice their ideas and drive innovation. Their active participation in decision-making is essential in achieving our shared goals.

As we assess the status of the Sustainable Development Goals, UNESCO should focus on Quality Education, Gender Equality, and climate action. Education is the cornerstone of sustainable development, and ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all is paramount. Gender equality is not only a fundamental human right but a necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous, and sustainable world. Climate action, intertwined with these goals, requires our unwavering commitment to protect our planet for future generations.

The  growing and  devastating conflicts around the world demand our full attention, and action. We commend UNESCO‘s continuous efforts in supporting Ukraine in combatting the long-term effects of Russia‘s ongoing war of aggression. The expanding catastrophic crises in the Middle-East, with unthinkable human suffering, death and destruction, must come to an end. UNESCO has a role to play when it comes to responding to these crises and others around the world. Leveraging UNESCO‘s expertise within the UN system is important to help rebuild communities and support those affected.

In Afghanistan, the international community must stand firm in supporting Afghan women and girls, ensuring that their human rights and access to education are upheld at every opportunity. Gender persecution must be unequivocally condemned, and UNESCO’s strong advocacy is vital in this regard. There is a need for a stronger and more focused programmatic support to Afghan women and girls.

Iceland will present amendments, prepared in consultation with the Group of Friends of Afghanistan, on the draft decision on item 5.I.G. – UNESCO’s actions in support of Afghans. We hope we can count on broad support from all regional groups.

Dear Colleagues,

UNESCO’s mandate in science is only growing in importance. Increasing trust in science and basing our decisions and policies on scientific facts is essential. We must ensure that scientists can work freely and safely to advance knowledge and innovation. Combatting the spread of dis- and misinformation cannot be emphasized enough. Iceland therefore supports the stronger implementation of the 2017 Recommendation on the Safety of Scientists.

UNESCO must be fully engaged in the fight against climate change – as we all must be. That includes active participation in the work of The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. UNESCO’s programmes must prioritize climate action, integrating it across all areas of its mandate to address this global priority effectively. Our oceans are a vital part of the climate system and the health of our oceans is directly linked to the health of our planet and our future. A strong and well equipped IOC is therefore highly important.

As the digital age advances at the speed of light,  it is crucial to address the impact of artificial intelligence. UNESCO has a pivotal role in ensuring that digital advancements benefit all, including addressing the gender digital divide, protecting minority languages, enhancing education, improving health and well-being, and supporting climate actions. The opportunities and threats posed by AI must be managed with a focus on ethical considerations and inclusivity.

Dear friends,

Our upcoming discussions at the Executive Board will lay the groundwork for the new C5, guiding us through the last stretch of Agenda 2030. Integrity and good governance, including solid control mechanisms, provide the foundation on which trust in the Organization is built. It matters how the Organization handles the funds it is entrusted with, not in least with a view to secure future funding.

At last let me extend our gratitude to the entire Secretariat team for excellent reports and tireless efforts in preparing for this Board meeting. 

UNESCO’s work is indispensable in shaping a better future for all. Let us walk the talk and ensure that the Organization is both prepared and well suited to fulfill its mandate. Iceland reaffirms its commitment to support UNESCO’s mission and working collaboratively to achieve our shared goals. Together, we can build a world that is more just, equitable, and sustainable.

Thank you.





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