HRC58 - NB8 statement - ID on Special Rapporteur on Torture
Human Rights Council – 58th Session
Item 2: Interactive Dialogue on Special Rapporteur on Torture
Statement by Denmark on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic States
4 March 2025
Special Rapporteur,
I have the honour of speaking on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.
First of all, let me thank you for the tireless work you continue to invest in the global fight against torture and ill-treatment.
Last year we celebrated the 40th anniversary of the UN Convention Against Torture. This year, we mark the 40th anniversary of your mandate. One could have hoped that your mandate would be redundant after 40 years, but unfortunately torture and ill-treatment is still taking place across all regions, and worrying trends continue. Your work remains as important as ever.
We commend you for focusing on the concerning practice of hostage-taking in your latest report, noting the rise in the number of incidents of State hostage-taking. These incidents undoubtedly lead both to severe physical and psychological damages for the hostages themselves, and also for their relatives. Tailored support during the process of recovery and rehabilitation is needed and we note your recommendation to share experiences among States on the services to be provided.
In this regard, could you share your views on the format and forum for such exchanges? What can relevant actors such as States and international organisations do to facilitate such information-sharing?
Thank you.