HRC58 - NB8 statement - ID with Special Rapporteur on the right to food
Human Rights Council - 58th Session.
Item 3 - Interactive Dialogue with Special Rapporteur on the right to food
Statement delivered by Norway on behalf of the Nordic Baltic states
11 March 2025
The Nordic-Baltic states thank the Special Rapporteur for his report on how to develop national action plans for the right to food, which is a human right, essential for survival.
Preventing hunger and providing nutrition is fundamental for human dignity and social equality, stability and prosperity. Governments therefore must make it a priority in their budgets to ensure their people have access to adequate food.
As member states committed to the UN multilateral system and international law, we will step in to help people in vulnerable situations when governments fail to provide, or even actively prevent, people from access to food.
We will continue to finance UN agencies and other organizations providing humanitarian assistance to avoid famine and alleviate suffering. Those using starvation as a method of warfare should be held accountable. We also agree with the need to make food systems more socially equitable, sustainable and climate friendly.
Special Rapporteur, could you please elaborate on the positive role that the private and business sectors can play, including in blended finance?
Thank you.