HRC58 - NB8 statement - ID with SR on the sale, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children
UN Human Rights Council 58th session –
Item 3 Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur
on the sale, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse of children –
Nordic-Baltic Statement by H.E. Ambassador Ivars Pundurs
Geneva, 13 March 2025
Thank you, Mister President,
The Nordic – Baltic countries thank the Special Rapporteur for her valuable work and the latest report.
We welcome the appointment of the Rapporteur’s first Youth Advisor that could play a vital role in advocating for the prevention of sale, sexual abuse and exploitation of children.
Amidst the multitudes of conflicts and crisis, risks of sexual abuse and exploitation of children, including in peacekeeping and humanitarian contexts, are exacerbated, eroding social and institutional response and protection mechanisms, and leaving lifelong negative emotional, social and economic impacts on the child.
We concur with the Special Rapporteur that a child rights-based approach should be strengthened in organizational policies of UN peacekeeping and humanitarian missions in response to child sexual abuse, prioritizing the rights, needs, safety and dignity of children. It is crucial to implement robust and effective accountability measures to prevent sexual abuse of children in peacekeeping and humanitarian contexts.
The Nordic-Baltic countries remain strongly committed to a zero-tolerance policy for sexual abuse and exploitation of children. We urge all stakeholders in peacekeeping and humanitarian contexts to undertake meaningful steps for effective prevention and response to sexual abuse of children.
Madam Special Rapporteur, how can sexual abuse of children be prevented through training and screening of military personnel, ensuring that troop-contributing-countries hold their personnel accountable for child sexual abuse?
Thank you!