HRC58 - NB8 statement - JID with the SR and IFFM on the Islamic Republic of Iran
Human Rights Council – 58th session
Item 4: Joint Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Independent International Fact-Finding Mission on the Islamic Republic of Iran
Statement by Estonia on behalf of the Nordic Baltic States
18 March 2025
Mr. President,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic and Baltic countries. We thank the Special Rapporteur and the Fact-Finding Mission for their respective reports.
These two reports shed a grim light on the situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Like the Special Rapporteur, we are deeply alarmed by the frightening surge in executions, with well over 900 executions reported in 2024, including an increasing number of women. We are also concerned by reports of extrajudicial killings of over 250 border couriers. This points to the critical need for continued monitoring and reporting.
We thank the FFM for its essential work of investigation so far. Iran continues to enact new measures to suppress the legitimate demand of the the people of Iran, in particular women and girls, for their human rights to be respected. We note that the FFM concludes that there is a need for follow up to its work with a mandate to investigate allegations of serious human rights violations and crimes against humanity, both past and ongoing.
A climate of fear and systematic impunity cannot be tolerated. Victims and survivors have a right to truth, justice, accountability and reparations.
Distinguished experts, what can states do to support truth, justice and accountability for the people of Iran?
I thank you.