HRC58 - NB8 statement - ID on Group of Experts on Belarus
Human Rights Council – 58th session
Interactive Dialogue on Group of Experts on Belarus
Statement delivered by Estonia on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic States
18 March 2025
Mr President,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic States.
I thank the Group of independent experts for this grim update and reaffirm our full support to your vital work.
The report clearly shows that the Belarusian authorities have escalated their commitment to eradicate every expression of dissent through violence, intimidation, and detentions. According to your findings, the Belarusian regime uses widespread repression, specifically in the form of imprisonment and persecution, which has reached levels that may amount to crimes against humanity (to maintain control and create a climate of fear among ordinary people for the exercise of their human rights).
We (strongly denounce torture and all forms of mistreatment of political prisoners and) demand immediate and unconditional release and effective rehabilitation of all individuals unlawfully detained. We urge Belarus to meaningfully re-engage with the UN human rights mechanisms.
Belarus must fulfil its obligations under international human rights law. We must hold Belarusian authorities accountable for human rights violations, as well as for complicity in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. We call on Belarus to immediately ensure the safe return to Ukraine of all unlawfully deported Ukrainian children.
(As the human rights situation in Belarus continues to severely deteriorate), what steps would you recommend for the international community to ensure that the authorities can no longer operate with impunity?
I thank you!