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Consular Services

The Embassy's consular services include issuing of Icelandic passports, Icelandic driving licences, assistance in connection with illness and death and legislation.

If you need assistance, please contact the Embassy

Embassy of Iceland, Paris

52, avenue Victor Hugo
75116 Paris
Tel: +33-(0)1 44 17 32 85
Email: paris[at]mfa.is

A valid passport is required for visitors to Iceland, except for citizens of the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden travelling between the Nordic countries.

Citizens of the following countries may enter Iceland presenting, instead of passports, national identity cards issued by the competent authorities in their countries of origin:

Austria: Personalausweis.
Belgium: Carte d'Identité (Identiteitskaart, Personalausweis, Identity card), Identitätsdokument, Identity document issued for minors under 12 years, provided travelling with custodian.
Bulgaria: Lichna karta (ЛИЧНА КАРТА, Identity card).
Cyprus: Deltio Taytotitas (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ, Kimlik Karti, Identity Card).
Czech Republic: Občanský průkaz (Czech Republic Identification Card).
Estonia: Eesti Vabariik Isikutunnistus (Republic of Estonia Identity Card).
Finland: Henkilökortti (Identitetskort, Identity Card).
France: Carte Nationale d'Identité.
Germany: Personalausweis (Identity card, Carte d'Identite), Vorläufiger Personal­ausweis (Identity card, Carte d'identite).
Greece: Deltio Taytotitas (ΔΕΛΤΙΟ ΤΑΥΤΟΤΗΤΑΣ).
Hungary: Személyazonosító Igazolvány (Identity card).
Italy: Carta d'Identità.
Liechtenstein: Identitätskarte (Carte d'Identité, Carta d'Identità).
Lithuania: Asmens tapatybés kortelé (Personal Identity Card).
Luxembourg: Carte d'Identité (Identity Card, Personalausweis).
Malta: Karta Ta'l-Identità.
Netherlands: Nederlandse Identiteitskaart (Identity card, Carte d'identité).
Portugal: Bilhete de Identidade de Cidadão Nacional (Carte d'Identité, Identity card of national citizen) and Cartão de Cidadão (citizen card).
Poland: Rzeczpospolita Polska Dowód Osobisty (Republic of Poland Identity Card).
Romania: Carte d'Identite (Carte de identitate, Identity card).
Slovakia: Obciansky Preukaz (Identification Card).
Slovenia: Osebna Izkaznica (Identity Card).
Spain: Documento Nacional de Identidad (DNI).
Switzerland: Carte d'Identité Citoyen Suisse (Identitätskarte Schweizerbürger, Carta d'Identità Cittadino Svizzero). and Identitätskarte (Carte d'Identité, Carta d'Identità, Carta d'Identitad, Identity Card) issued after June 30th 1994
Sweden: Nationellt identitetskort (National Identity Card, Carte nationale d'identité).

It is required that travel documents is valid for three months beyond the intended stay. It is though sufficient that travel documents of citizens of EEA  (EU and EFTA) countries are valid upon arrival.

Iceland is a member of the Schengen cooperation which exempts travelers from border controls travelling between 26 EU and EFTA  countries. A uniform Schengen visa issued by one of the Schengen states is valid for travel within the whole Schengen area. Schengen visa should be applied for at an Embassy representing the state where the main destination is within the Schengen area.

All persons requiring visas, must apply for a visa at the applicable embassy/consulate before travelling to the Schengen area. For a list of embassies/consulates which handle applications for Iceland, see here.

The validity of a uniform Schengen visa is up to 90 days.


EU-states: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France (and Monaco), Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.
EFTA-States: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland.

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Embassy of Iceland in Paris
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