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Consular Services

Icelandic citizens can submit passport applications at the Embassy.

Applicants must book an appointment in advance by e-mail to tokyo[at]mfa.is. The Embassy's reception is open weekdays from 10:00 to 16:00.

General information regarding passport applications can be found on the website of Registers Iceland. The Embassy only accepts payments by card (no cash payments accepted as of 1 November 2024).

The application must be submitted in person at the Embassy. Applicants need to bring their current passport and pay the application fee by card. Passports are issued in Iceland and the processing time can be up to 6 working days in addition to delivery time. 

For comprehensive travel information please visit the official Icelandic tourism gateway Visit Iceland.

Citizens of Japan, the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Timor-Leste are exempted from the obligation to carry a visa on arrival in Iceland. The total stay within the Schengen area must not exceed 90 days in any period of 180 days.

Iceland is a member of the Schengen cooperation which exempts travelers from border controls travelling between 27 EU and EFTA states (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland). A uniform visa issued by one of the Schengen states is valid for travel within the whole Schengen area.

The validity of the passport must be at least three months beyond the proposed stay, except for citizens of EEA/EFTA countries. Those documents only need to be valid beyond the stay in Iceland. For information on passport and visa requirements visit the website of Icelandic Directorate of Immigration


A uniform visa, issued by any of the Schengen states is valid for travel within the entire Schengen area, including Iceland.

Citizens of Indonesia and the Philippines need to obtain a visa to visit Iceland. All individuals requiring visas, must complete the application process at the relevant embassy or designated application centre before travelling to the Schengen area. To determine whether you need a visa to travel to Iceland please refer to the official guidlines found here.

Within the jurisdiction of the Embassy in Tokyo, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs has commissioned other Schengen member states to process visa applications on Iceland's behalf. Applicants should hand in their applications at the respective Embassies or VFS visa application centres.

Following Embassies manage visa applications for Iceland within the jurisdiction of the Embassy in Tokyo (full list can be found here):

Indonesia, Jakarta
Royal Danish Embassy
VFS Global office

Japan, Tokyo
Royal Danish Embassy

South Korea, Seoul
Swedish Embassy in Bangkok
VFS Global office

Philippines, Manila
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok
VFS Global office

Philippines, Cebu City
Royal Norwegian Embassy in Bangkok
VFS Global office

Royal Danish Embassy
VFS Global office

Information on airport transit visas can be found on the website of the Directorate of Immigration.

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Embassy of Iceland in Tokyo
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