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About the Delegation

The Permanent Delegation represents the government of Iceland at the NATO headquarters in Brussels. The Delegation of Iceland to NATO was opened in 1952 with the establishment of the North Atlantic Council.

Permanent Delegation of Iceland to NATO


Boulevard Leopold III 

1110 Bruxelles


 +32 (0)2 707-5089



Open week days from 09:00 to 17:00

Permanent Delegation of Iceland to NATOFacebook hlekkur
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NameJob titleEmail
Atli M. SigurðssonDeputy Permanent Representativeatli.sigurdsson@utn.is
Bjarni VestmannMinister Counsellorbjarni.vestmann@utn.is
Björgvin IngimarssonCouncellorbjorgvin.ingimarsson@utn.is
Gautur SturlusonCounsellorgautur.sturluson@utn.is
Jóhann ÞorvarðarsonFirst Secretaryjohann.thorvardarson@utn.is
Jörundur ValtýssonAmbassador / Permanent Representativejorundur.valtysson@utn.is
Kristín GuðbrandsdóttirOfficerkristin.gudbrandsdottir@utn.is
Sigurlilja AlbertsdóttirFirst Secretarysigurlilja.albertsdottir@utn.is
Steinunn PálsdóttirOfficersteinunn.palsdottir@utn.is
Umut KarakadiogluDriverumut.karakadioglu@utn.is

Permanent Representative

Jörundur Valtýsson

Curriculum Vitae.


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