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Statement by Iceland on the Situation of Human Rights in Burundi

Human Rights Council – 56th session

Item 4: Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Burundi

Statement by Iceland on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries

4 July 2024

Mr. President,

I have the honour to speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and my own country, Iceland.

We thank the Special Rapporteur for this update and his dedicated work. We call for the Government of Burundi to fully cooperate with the Special Rapporteur, and provide all necessary information to fulfil his mandate.

Firstly, we express our concern about human rights violations against LGBTQI+ persons in Burundi.

Ahead of the legislative and local elections in 2025, we express our serious concern on the restrictions on civil and political rights in Burundi. We are alarmed by the reports of repression of political opponents, enforced disappearances, arbitrary arrests, torture and extrajudicial killings. We call for effective investigations of human rights violations and abuses and holding perpetrators to account. Fostering a civic space where political parties, civil society organizations, human rights defenders and journalists and other media workers can work freely, without fear of reprisals, is paramount.

Special Rapporteur, what would be the most pressing measures to ensure free and fair legislative and local elections in 2025?

I thank you.


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