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Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

Call for Applications for grants from the Development Fund for Immigration Issues

The Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour and the Immigration Council invite applications for grants from the Development Fund for Immigration Issues. The Fund's purpose is to enhance research and development projects in the field of immigration issues with the goal of facilitating mutual adjustment between immigrants and Icelandic society.

In selecting projects to be supported by the Development Fund for Immigration Issues in 2022, the focus will be on projects that contribute to improving the mental well-being and social participation of immigrants and aim to combat prejudice, isolation and marginalisation.

Projects with the following themes will be considered in particular:

  • Projects that promote the active use of Icelandic through social events and that support traditional Icelandic language learning.
  • Projects focusing on keeping young people active, both those who have recently arrived in the country and those who are neither working nor students.
  • Projects that promote inclusion,* particularly projects that promote equal participation of immigrants and native-born citizens on a basis of equality.

Other projects relating to immigration issues will also be considered. There will be a particular focus on innovation instead of repeated projects, as well as functionality resources outside the capital area.

Immigrant grassroots associations and interest groups are encouraged to apply to the Fund.

Grants are as a rule awarded to associations, unions and public entities. Individuals will, as a rule, only be awarded grants for research. Grants can be for up to 75% of the estimated total cost of a project. Applications can be written in Icelandic or English.

Applications can be submitted up to and including 1 December 2022.

Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

On Friday, 11 November, from 13:00 to 14:00, the Immigration Council will host an open presentation for prospective applicants where the application process, this year’s focus points and the Fund’s rules will be introduced. The meeting will be held online and participants must register in advance. There will be four languages to choose from at the meeting: Icelandic, English, Polish and Spanish.

For more information, please contact the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, by phone: 545-8100, or by e-mail: frn@frn.is.

* Inclusion means recognising and respecting diversity and including it in all work. Inclusion is about enabling the participation of all people and involving a diverse range of people in decision-making.

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