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First White Paper on Matters of Immigrants – A Society for Everyone – Iceland’s future and policy on matters of immigrants

A draft policy (white paper) on matters of immigrants has been published on the government’s open consultation platform. Titled A Society for Everyone – Iceland’s future and policy on matters of immigrants, it is the country’s first such policy and marks a turning point in the area of matters of immigrants in Iceland.

The White Paper is published in three languages: Icelandic, English and Polish, as well as in simple Icelandic. It sets forth a future vision, three objectives and 17 measurable targets which intend to reflect the key challenges described in the Green Paper (status assessment) published in November.

In preparation of the policy, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour held open meetings and focus group discussions around the country. The aim of the dialogue was to ensure as many and as diverse voices – in particular those of immigrants – as possible were part of the process and that the key subjects examined in the Green Paper and which form the basis of the draft policy reflect the views and experiences of immigrants themselves. Participation was strong with around 500 people attending the open meetings and focus group discussions.

The White Paper is based on the conclusions of the steering group on the matters of immigrants and was prepared in broad consultation with different stakeholders as well as with the support of experts at OECD who have in tandem been working on a detailed analysis of the situation of immigrants in Iceland.

The draft policy’s future vision is centred on the creation of a society where everyone, regardless of origin, enjoys equal opportunities. The policy is intended to cover the years 2024-2038. In order to connect the vision to defined targets, the White Paper presents three objectives. They describe the general progress that is intended to be achieved over the long term. Under each objective, targets for measurable results of the policy are presented.

Following the open consultation process, a proposal for a parliamentary resolution will be drawn up and expected to be submitted to Alþingi in the autumn parliamentary session. The policy will be accompanied by a proposal for a National Action Plan for Matters of Immigrants, which will replace the current action plan.

Turning point and important step

“I have placed great emphasis on the matters of immigrants since taking the position of Minister of Social Affairs and the Labour Market. With this policy, we as a society are taking an important and long overdue step,” says Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Minister of Social Affairs and the Labour Market.

“Immigrants in Iceland are a diverse group of people who have moved to this country for various reasons. The policy on matters of immigrants is intended to ensure that the needs of immigrants are systematically taken into account on an equal basis with others, that people have equal opportunities, that human resources are mobilized and that it is clear what demands are made on people and society as a whole.”

You can send in your comments on the White Paper until June 21 on the government’s open consultation platform, available here in:

  • Icelandic: Samfélag okkar allra – framtíð og stefna Íslands í málefnum innflytjenda
  • English: A Society for Everyone – Iceland's future and policy on matters of immigrants
  • Polish: Wszyscy tworzymy jedno społeczeństwo – Przyszłość i polityka w zakresie spraw dotyczących imigrantów
  • Simple Icelandic: Samfélag okkar allra – framtíð og stefna Íslands í málefnum innflytjenda

  • Future vision and objectives

    The White Paper’s future vision is as follows:

    Iceland is a multicultural society that is inclusive and promotes equal opportunities for people to actively participate in society and on the labour market.

    In Iceland, immigrants belong to a society which respects diversity and where the public infrastructure purposefully supports the inclusion and participation of everyone in society.

    In Iceland, immigrants are given diverse opportunities and motivation to learn and adopt Icelandic as a language, with good and flexible access to practical study of the language.

    Iceland’s policy on matters of immigrants supports the basic values of Icelandic society, which are based on democracy, equality and respect for universal human rights.

    Additional information: What is a white paper?

    A white paper (draft policy) comprises a discussion of and decision on the future vision, targets, and results of activities over a specific period, the achievement in a specific area or the perspectives and values which serve as the basis. The policy covers a specific period of time and is intended to promote integrated planning, predictability in decision-making on actions, performance evaluation, and targeted monitoring. The White Paper on Matters of Immigrants is proposed for a period of 15 years, or until 2038.

    Preceding a white paper, a status assessment (green paper) is prepared, which includes an analysis of key topics and, as appropriate, possible options.

    A white paper (draft policy) is published in an open consultation process on the government’s consultation platform. Following this, the main points of view submitted are reviewed before the final policy is presented, in this case through a parliamentary resolution for a fifteen-year policy, together with an action plan.

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