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Statement at UNGA79 High-level Side Event: The Situation in Gaza

Statement by H.E. Anna Johannsdottir,
Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations
UNGA79 High-Level Side Event: "The Situation in Gaza and the Implementation of the Two-state Solution as the Path to Just and Comprehensive Peace"
26 September 2024


Your excellencies,

I thank the hosts for convening this meeting. It is timely, to say the least. As we meet here today, war is raging in the Middle East and at no time has it been more important to see concrete steps taken to actualize the two-state solution in Israel and Palestine. A political solution in the Middle East is simply overdue and without it, peace will remain elusive.

Iceland has always been, and will continue to be, a strong supporter and advocate for international law and the international system. Iceland persistently condemns violations of international law. We have demanded accountability for such violations, wherever they take place. 

In Israel and Palestine, Iceland has consistently called for a two-state solution and has friendly and full diplomatic relations with both. 

Iceland established diplomatic relations with Israel and supported its admission to the UN in 1949. Decades later, in 2011, the Icelandic Parliament passed a resolution in support of recognizing the State of Palestine, making Iceland the first western European state to take that step.  

Let me stress that Iceland has consistently condemned in the strongest possible terms the brutal and indiscriminate terrorist attacks by Hamas almost one year ago, on 7 October 2023. There can be no justification for terrorism. We have also repeatedly called for the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.  

At the same time, the apparent violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza conflict, and now in the Israeli-Hezbollah conflict as well, are unjustifiable and must end. Too many innocent lives have been lost. A humanitarian catastrophe is unfolding before our eyes in Gaza. At the same time, Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian territory continues, as does the injustice of Israel’s illegal settlements in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. 

We all know what needs to happen. We cannot advocate for adherence to international law only for some. International law must remain our compass in this conflict, as in others.

There is no better path towards peace, and the people[s] of Palestine and Israel deserve nothing less than peace. 

Thank you. 


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