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Joint Nordic Statement: UNSC Maintenance of Peace and Security in Ukraine

Joint Nordic Statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Lars Løkke Rasmussen, 
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark,
on behalf of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden
United Nations Security Council Briefing on
"Maintenance of Peace and Security of Ukraine"
24 September 2024



Distinguished delegates,
I have the honour to speak on behalf of the five Nordic countries: Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden – and my own country, Denmark.

First of all, I extend warm thanks to Slovenia for bringing leaders from across the world together. I also thank the Secretary-General for his insightful briefing. And to President Zelensky for outlining the situation in Ukraine – and presenting the Peace Formula. 

President, today marks two years and seven months since Russia began its full-scale illegal invasion of Ukraine. This marked a major escalation of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine, which started in 2014.

This cannot be tolerated. It must be condemned. And Russia and its representatives must be held accountable. 

Today, the Nordics would like to share three messages.

Firstly, with its war of aggression, Russia is violating the most basic rules and principles of international law. It is deeply appalling that Russia, a permanent member of the Council, continues to disregard the UN Charter – the cornerstone of this institution.

The vast destruction and the suffering of the Ukrainian people all stem from Russia’s choice to continue its brutal aggression.

The Nordic countries will continue to seek full accountability for the crimes committed.  Ensuring that Russia and its representatives are held to account is a shared responsibility of us all. 

Secondly, we repeat that Russia’s war has grave consequences beyond the European continent.  Earlier this month, a ship carrying grain was attacked in the Black Sea. We strongly condemn such attacks, which jeopardize global food supplies. 

President, it is deeply concerning that Russia’s systematic and damaging attacks against Ukraine’s critical infrastructure continue. 

Civilians face immense hardship in Ukraine. Nearly 15 million people are already in need of humanitarian assistance. 

Russia’s intensified attacks affect the lives of millions. Across all sectors of life, people lack access to water, electricity and heating – and the winter is fast approaching.

Ending this will require strong, cross-regional support. We urge Member States to support Ukraine in defending its people and rebuilding its infrastructure. To uphold the UN Charter by holding Russia accountable. And to call for a fair and lasting peace.

This brings me to my third point. 

We need a comprehensive – just – and sustainable peace based on international law, including the UN Charter.

The Nordics firmly support President Zelensky’s Peace Formula. And we encourage all Member States to do the same. 

The Summit on Peace in June reconfirmed the strong support for the UN Charter and laid the foundation for the way forward. 

Any pathway to peace in Ukraine must be grounded in the UN Charter and its key principles, including Ukraine’s sovereignty – independence – and territorial integrity.

Our commitment to the UN Charter and support for Ukraine remain resolute. 

Thank you, President.



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