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Ávarp í umræðu um Venesúela

Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Þorvarður Atli Þórsson, sendiráðunautur, flutti ávarp 5. júlí 2019 í mannréttindaráðinu í umræðu um Venesúela. Í ávarpinu voru áhyggjur yfir ástandi í landinu ítrekaðar, sem og nauðsyn þess að halda lýðræðislegar kosningar. Um 4 milljón manns hafa neyðst til að flýja land, meðal annars í leit að skjóli, fæðu og heilbrigðisþjónustu.


Enhanced Dialogue on Venezuela

5 July 2019

Statement by Iceland


Thank you Mr. President, 

We thank the High Commissioner for her report. Iceland welcomes the recent steps taken by the Government of Venezuela, to invite the High Commissioner to the country and to agree to OHCHR presence. We count on the Government to ensure that this team of human rights officers is able to monitor the human rights situation in Venezuela in accordance with their mandate.

However, we continue to be extremely concerned over the situation in Venezuela and the report regrettably provides little reason for optimism. The humanitarian situation has deteriorated greatly in recent months and years, with ordinary people deprived of the rights to food, water, decent healthcare, education, as well as other economic and social rights.

Mr. President,

The Government of Venezuela has unfortunately failed in its responsibility to provide these basic human rights. People´s political rights have been violated repeatedly also.

We are shocked by the death in custody of retired navy Captain Rafael Acosta Arévalo on 29 June, allegedly after being tortured. The Government of Venezuela must conduct a thorough, impartial and transparent investigation into this death and bring justice to those responsible for his death.

The numbers tell a very clear story of the consequences of the actions of the authorities: nearly 4 million Venezuelans, more than 10% of the population have fled in recent years. In June alone, almost 8000 crossed the border daily.

Iceland supports the efforts of Norway to find a political solution that would resolve the current situation. The people of Venezuela deserve a fresh start after years of devastation under the rule of President Maduro and his party. Human rights and fundamental freedoms must be respected, and it is imperative that democratic elections be held as soon as possible.

I thank you.


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