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Ræða um mannréttindaástand í Úkraínu

Sandra Lyngdorf, sérfræðingur í fastanefnd Íslands, flutti í dag ávarp um mannréttindaástandið í Úkraínu en fimm ár eru nú liðin síðan Rússar innlimuðu Krím-skaga.


Interactive Dialogue with High Commissioner on her Oral Report on Ukraine

20 March 2018

Item 10 Statement by Iceland


Thank you, Mr. President.


Five years ago, Russia used force against Ukraine to illegally and illegitimately annex Crimea. And Russia has continued to violate international norms, with the seizing of ships and sailors near the Kerch Strait in November 2018 representing a violation of the freedom of maritime passage. We call on Russia to release the sailors and ships seized. Russia should respect international law and ensure unhindered maritime access to Ukrainian ports at the Azov Sea.


Iceland continues to have grave concerns about the human rights and the  humanitarian situation in the conflict areas in Ukraine. The prolonged armed conflict is hitting the civilian population hard economically, stalling social development and creating a hazardous environment for ordinary people. 


We are particularly concerned by the human rights abuses and violations being carried out by the Russian de-facto authorities in illegally annexed Crimea against Ukrainians, the Crimean Tatars, and members of other local communities. These violations include extrajudicial killings, abductions, enforced disappearances, violence, arbitrary detentions, arrest, and torture.


Iceland reiterates its support for Ukraine´s sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders, and calls on the Russian Federation to adhere to international obligations and its commitments under the Minsk Agreements.



Mr. President,


Iceland welcomes the engagement of the OSCE and the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine and the support it has provided to the people there.


Iceland would also like to underline the importance of the election monitoring of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR). The successful monitoring of the upcoming presidential elections in Ukraine [first round on 31st March] is important for democracy and the rule of law in the area.  


I thank you, Mr./Madame President.


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