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Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Fastafulltrúi Danmerkur flutti í dag ávarp fyrir hönd Norðurlandanna, þ.m.t. Íslands og Eystrasaltslandanna í umræðu um vernd þeirra sem berjast fyrir mannréttindum og starfa með Sameinuðu þjóðunum. 


42nd session of the United Nations Human Rights Council

Interactive dialogue with the Assistant Secretary General’s report on reprisals

18 September 2019

Nordic-Baltic Statement

Delivered by Ambassador and Permanent Representative Mr Morten Jespersen


Thank you Madame President,

I deliver this statement on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic states [Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and my own country, Denmark].

It is a very worrying trend that individuals and groups continue to face intimidation and reprisals when engaging with the United Nations its representatives and mechanisms in the field of human rights. We reiterate our support and appreciation for the work of the Assistant-Secretary General and welcome his recent report that unfortunately shows that the situation is worsening and trends of systematic intimidation and reprisal is a reality, also here in the Human Rights Council.

That human rights defenders and civil society facing threats and intimidations increasingly exercise self-censorship is worrisome. A vibrant and pluralistic civil society, both online and offline, is essential to a democratic society. We urge all States and non-state actors to prevent and refrain from all acts of intimidation or reprisal, both online and offline.

All persons should feel free to seek dialogue with the United Nations its representatives and its mechanisms on human rights without fear for their safety, or the safety of their family. No person should fear or suffer acts of threats, intimidations or violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, as a consequence of engaging with this Council or its special procedures. Such actions can never be tolerated. Impunity is not an option.

In closing, please share your suggestions for specific action that can help us, in collaboration with the UN and all relevant actors, to turn the disturbing trend of increased pressure on civil society?

Thank you.


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