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Ávarp um lönd sem þarfnast sérstakrar athugunar

Harald Aspelund, fastafulltrúi Íslands, flutti ávarp í dag undir lið nr. 4 í dagskrá mannréttindaráðsins („lönd sem þarfnast sérstakrar athugunar“) og lýsti þar áhyggjum Íslands vegna ástands í Venesúela, Níkaragva, Palestínu og í Jemen.


Item 4

Statement by Iceland

12 March 2019


Mr. President,

Iceland is very concerned about the human rights situation in Venezuela where access to basic needs has become ever more difficult with people suffering from extreme effects of poverty, including malnutrition and health problems. The people of Venezuela deserve a fresh start after years of devastation under the rule of President Maduro and his party. Human rights and fundamental freedoms must be respected and it is imperative that democratic elections be held as soon as possible.

We are also concerned about the situation in Nicaragua and the recent crackdown on human rights defenders. Iceland will support a resolution in this Council which seeks to address the situation in Nicaragua. We urge the Government of Nicaragua to stop repression immediately and resume full cooperation with OHCHR.


Mr. President,

We would like to voice our concern for the situation in Palestine. The findings of the report of the independent international commission of inquiry on the protests in the Occupied Palestinian Territory are deeply troubling. While we recognize Israel´s right to defend itself it must respect the principle of proportionality and during demonstrations and security operations refrain from using lethal force against civilians, in particular children, who pose no imminent threat to life.

We also condemn rocket attacks from Gaza and urge the de facto authorities there to refrain from all incitement.

We reiterate our opposition to Israel´s continued illegal settlement activities in the West Bank, including in East Jerusalem.

In Yemen, we are gravely concerned about the continued humanitarian and human rights crisis caused by a most devastating war that has brought only displacement, economic and institutional collapse, hunger, disease and death.

The international community must respond to the urgent humanitarian needs in Yemen and Iceland has, for its part, provided more than 1,3 Million USD in the last six months, to UNICEF and to the World Food Programme, as well as UNFPA which plays a leading role in protecting women and girls from gender-based violence and in maintaining their dignity and respect. We call on all parties to do what they can to bring the conflict in Yemen to an end.

I thank you.



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