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Iceland calls for strengthen comprehensive security at the OSCE Ministerial Council, Tirana, 3- 4 December 2020.

Martin Eyjólfsson, Permanent Secretary of State delivered a statement on on behalf of H.E. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Foreign Minister of Iceland at the OSCE Ministerial Council.

Uncertain security in the OSCE area was the theme of the statement by Mr. Martin Eyjólfsson Permanent Secretary of State on behalf of H.E. Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson, Foreign Minister of Iceland at the OSCE Ministerial Council. He thanked the Albanian Chair for having steered the organization through difficult waters this year and said that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought challenges to the Euro-Atlantic security. The Permanent Secretary  of State referred to the commitments made in Helsinki in 1975, resulting in creating the unique and inclusive forum of 57 OSCE participating States, seeking comprehensive security through political and military dialogue.

Furthermore, it was essential to fully adhere to arms control commitments and obligations, the Conventional Arms Control and Confidence and Security Building Measures (CSBMs) and respond to hybrid threats, malicious cyber attacks and disinformation campaigns. The Permanent Secretary of State welcomed the ceasing of fighting between Armenia and Azerbaijan, reiterated full support for Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders and territorial waters, and called on Russia to return control of Crimea to Ukraine, restated Iceland’s support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and expressed the hope for a comprehensive and lasting political settlement regarding Transdniestria. Iceland calls on authorities in Belarus to follow the recommendations of the Report in Relation to Serious Human Rights Violations in Belarus and to engage with the OSCE Chair in facilitating an inclusive and national dialogue in the country. The Permanent Secretaryof State condemned the recent terrorist attacks in Austria and France and that Iceland stands firm in our commitment to fight terrorism.

Finally the Permanent Secretary of State said that the comprehensive security concept of the OSCE supports the reaching of the Sustainable Development Goals, with its emphasis on protecting the environment and human rights. We are committed to fundamental freedoms of all people in the OSCE area, especially of vulnerable groups in the society, to the equal rights of men and women and to the rights of LGBT-people.

The whole statement can be read here.


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