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Fastafulltrúi Íslands kynnti ályktun um mannréttindaástandið í Íran í mannréttindaráðinu föstudaginn 1 apríl 2022. Ályktunin tryggir eftirlit og eftirfylgni með mannréttindum í Íran með framlengingu umboðs sérstaks skýrslugjafa sem að vinnur skýrslu og upplýsir mannréttindaráðið reglulega.  Ísland leiðir ályktunina ásamt Bretlandi, Moldóvu og Norður-Makedóníu. Kom til atkvæðagreiðslu og greiddu 19 ríki með sæti í ráðinu atkvæði með ályktuninni. 16 sátu hjá og 12 ríki greiddu atkvæði gegn.

UN Human Rights Council

49th session


Introduction of L.7 – Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran



Mr. President,


I would like to introduce the resolution L.7, Situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of a core group, consisting of the Republic of Moldova, North Macedonia, the United Kingdom, and my own country Iceland.


The resolution is a short procedural text, aiming at extending the mandate of the Special Rapporteur for a further period of one year, with a view to improving the human rights situation in Iran, in light of the persisting human rights concerns.


The core group held negotiations in an open and transparent manner and

no changes were made to the text adopted last year apart from technical updates.


We thank the Special Rapporteur for his work and welcome his report. We also note positively the improved and increased engagement of the Government of Iran with the Office of the High Commissioner, and we call on the Government to facilitate the request from the Special Rapporteur for visits to the country. Cooperation with the Special Rapporteur, and other mandate holders, offers an important opportunity for the Government of Iran to engage with the Council on the concerns that persist about the human rights situation.


Finally, it is our sincere hope that the resolution will be adopted by consensus today.

I thank you, Mr. President.


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