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Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Davíð Logi Sigurðsson, deildarstjóri mannréttindamála í utanríkisráðuneytinu, flutti ræðu í umræðum 25. júní 2019 um munnlega yfirlitsskýrslu mannréttindafulltrúa Sameinuðu þjóðanna. Hann gerði að umtalsefni aftökur á ungmennum í Íran og Sádí-Arabíu og lýsti jafnframt áhyggjum af mannréttindaástandi á Filippseyjum og gerði um leið grein fyrir því að Ísland hygðist leggja fram í ráðinu ályktun um þau mál.

General Debate on the Oral Update of the High Commissioner for Human Rights

25 June 2019

Statement by Iceland



Mr/Madam President,

Iceland thanks the High Commissioner for her oral update.

We agree that the monitoring, assistance and advocacy provided by the human rights system offers States immediate and long-term dividends in prevention of conflict and promotion of development and peace.

We join the High Commissioner´s call to all Member States to support the work of UN human rights bodies and underline the importance of the work of the special mandate holders in this regard.

Mr./Madam President,

Allow me to thank the High Commissioner for her focus on progress made globally with regard to abolition of the death penalty.

Iceland opposes the death penalty under any circumstance. Executing minors is especially appalling. We oppose in the strongest terms the executions of two boys under the age of 18 in Iran in April. The fact that 85 further individuals under the age of 18 may possibly also face imminent execution makes this topic even more urgent.

Similarly, we condemn the mass execution of 37 men in Saudi Arabia in April, some of whom were children when the alleged crimes occurred.

Finally, Mr./Madam President,

We have taken note of the fact that the High Commissioner has once again reiterated her concern over reports of extrajudicial killings in the Philippines. We have also heard the call for action issued by eleven Special Rapporteurs mandated by this Council.

It is in this context, that we have in the past led almost forty states in three joint statements on the human rights situation in the Philippines and why, Mr. President, we have now decided to move forward with a resolution in this Council under this item, asking for a report of the High Commissioner on the human rights situation in the Philippines. We look forward to engaging with the Council on this issue.

I thank you.


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