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Ávarp umhverfis- og auðlindaráðherra á ráðherrafundi um heimsmarkmiðin í New York

High Level Tematic Debate on Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, New York 21 April 2016.

Statement by H.E. Sigrún Magnúsdóttir, Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources of Iceland.

Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen,

I tnank the President of the General Assembly for convening this timely debate. Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals are a great achievement. Now we must implement the goals.

Iceland will do its part. We have set up a structure for national implementation. It will be led by the Prime Minister´s Office, in cooperation with other Ministries and civil society.

Excellencies. Cutting waste is most important. I have launched a campaign to cut food waste in Iceland, which is part of a general strategy to reduce waste, but also a part of a climate action programme. This contributes to Goal 12, on sustainable consumption and production. I believe this is a good example of what developed countries can do at home to contribute to Agenda 2030.

Support for developing countries is also needed. Bapacity building is a key. Iceland runs four United Nations University training programmes for experts from developing countries: On gender equality, fisheries, land restoration and geothermal energy. They have enjoyed good success. All countries should share best practices on sustainable development and learn from others.

One of the largest development project Iceland has supported is in geothermal energy in East African. This contributes to Goal 7, on sustainable energy for all, which is a key for solving the climate crisis and to improve living standards.

Target 15.3, on Land restoration, also has a positive climate dimension. Iceland has over a 100 year experience in this field, which it shares with developing countries.

Excellencies. We need the full participation and leadership of women to reach the Sustainable Development Goals. Women need full enjoyment of human rights, and to be empowered on an equal basis with men. I hope everyone will take a moment to consider that.

I thank you.


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