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49. lota mannréttindaráðs Sameinuðu þjóðanna: hliðarviðburður um Úkraínu

49. lota mannréttindaráðs Sameinuðu þjóðanna hófst  28. febrúar  sl. í Genf. Fastanefnd Úkraínu stóð fyrir viðburði 1. mars og tók Ísland til máls. Fjallað var um árás Rússa á Úkraínu, brot á alþjóðasamningum og lögum, mannréttindabrot og aðrar hörmulega afleiðingar árásar Rússa á Úkraínu.


HRC49 Ministerial Side Event on Ukraine

Statement by Harald Aspelund, Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations Office in Geneva

March 1, 2022

I thank you Ambassador for giving me the floor.

Ministers, Excellencies, Dear Colleagues.

Iceland condemns, in the strongest possible terms, the brutal and unprovoked attack of Russia on Ukraine. Russia’s action is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and international law.

Iceland reiterates its unwavering support of the sovereignty, independence, and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We stand in full solidarity with the people of Ukraine.

Russia must immediately pull back its military forces and cease its aggression and unjustified invasion of Ukraine.

Civilians are suffering, and lives are being lost. Every effort must be made to minimize human suffering. We must also ensure that the crimes committed against the Ukrainian people are recorded and those responsible held to account.

Iceland is firmly committed to play its part in responding to the urgent needs expressed by Ukraine. In that regard, our Minister for Foreign Affairs announced a one million Euro contribution for humanitarian action last week to address immediate needs of the people of Ukraine.

In closing, in this ongoing and devastating situation, it is critical that we continue to demonstrate resolve and unity.

I thank you.


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