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Ávarp í umræðu um þvinguð mannshvörf

Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Þorvarður Atli Þórsson, sendiráðunautur, flutti ávarp í dag í umræðu í mannréttindaráði SÞ um þvinguð mannshvörf en sérstakur vinnuhópur ráðsins um þau mál var til svara. Með vísan til morðsins á blaðamanninum Jamal Khashoggi var því velt upp hvað ríki gætu gert til að koma í veg fyrir sams konar þvingað brottnám á landsvæði sínu.


Clustered ID with WG on enforced disappearances and
SR on truth, justice and reparation

Statement by Iceland

11 September 2019


Thank you, Mr. President.

We thank the Working Group and the Special Rapporteur for their reports.

Enforced disappearance is a serious violation of human rights. It is a violation of not only the rights of the victim, but also a violation of the rights of his or her loved ones. The uncertainty equates to psychological torture. Thus, we are truly grateful for the tireless efforts of the Working Group in assisting families in determining the fate or whereabouts of their family members who are reportedly disappeared.

We urge States to respond favorably to requests by the Working Group to visit and to extend all necessary cooperation.

The trends noted by the Working Group in relation to extraterritorial abductions, adoption of regressive legislation, misuse of counter-terrorism legislation, proliferation of acts of reprisals etc. are indeed concerning.

We would like to ask the Working Group what measures States can take to prevent extraterritorial abductions on their territory?

Mr. President,

We studied with interest the report of the Special Rapporteur and would like to ask how the adoption of amnesty laws have impacted domestic reparation programmes?

I thank you.


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