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Ávarp í umræðu um Myanmar

Harald Aspelund, fastafulltrúi Íslands, flutti í dag ávarp í umræðum við Yanghee Lee, sérstakan skýrslugjafa mannréttindaráðsins í málefnum Myanmar. Í ávarpinu er lýst áhyggjum af ástandinu í Rakhine-héraði og áframhaldandi ofbeldi og ofsóknum gegn íbúum þar.


Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on Myanmar

11 March 2019

Statement by Iceland



Mr. President.


We thank the Special Rapporteur for her latest report on Myanmar. We are disappointed about the decision made by the government of Myanmar on denying the Special rapporteur access to the country. We encourage Myanmar’s government to fully cooperate with the Special Rapporteur and the United Nations system, including by ensuring access of those in need to humanitarian assistance.


We continue to be concerned about the situation in Rakhine State and continued reports of violence, harassment and intimidation and that more people are being displaced as a result. Like in every conflict and crises, women and children are among those who suffer most in Myanmar. Whether a state is in conflict or not its primary focus should be on protecting innocent civilians.


Mr. President


Continued reports mentioned by the Rapporteur of decreasing space for the expression of views that are critical of Government narratives are of particular concern. Freedom of expression should be upheld in every country in every corner of the globe and is the foundation of any transition to a democratic order.


My delegation is also alarmed by reports of continuous incarceration of political activists in Myanmar, as well as recent cases of journalists convicted for simply doing their job. We support the Special Rapporteur’s call that these individuals be released without delay.



Special Rapporteur, in your report you state that the people affected by the conflict in Myanmar must be involved in decisions about their future. We would like to ask how those affected in Myanmar, including those displaced, can best be involved in such decisions?


I thank you.


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