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Sameiginlegt ávarp NB8 ríkjanna í flutningi Íslands vegna mannréttindaástands í Sýrlandi

Fulltrúi Íslands flutti ávarp fyrir hönd Norðurlanda og Eystrasaltsríkja um mannréttindaástandið í Sýrlandi þann 18. mars. 


UN Human Rights Council                                           
49th session


Interactive dialogue with the Commission of Inquiry
on the Syrian Arab Republic


Intervention by Iceland, on behalf of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden

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I speak on behalf of the Nordic-Baltic countries.


Eleven years have passed since a peaceful uprising in Syria descended into a brutal war that has since caused enormous human suffering, grave and widespread human rights violations and abuses, and violations of international humanitarian law.


As the Commission’s findings reveals, the human rights situation continues to deteriorate, inflicting new levels of hardship and suffering, including arbitrary arrests and detentions, enforced disappearances, targeted attacks and killings, torture and sexual and gender-based violence.

Accountability is key. We call on all parties to fulfil their obligations under human rights law and international humanitarian law. Impunity must end, independent monitors given unimpeded access to places of detention, and the respect for human rights for all in Syria must be restored.

The Syrian regime must engage in the UN-facilitated political process in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254 with the aim of creating stability and peace in Syria. Safe and unhindered access for international humanitarian and human rights organisations must be ensured.


We reiterate our strong support for the crucial work of the UN Special Envoy for Syria, the Commission of Inquiry and the triple IM.


Commissioners: What can be done to accelerate the work to achieve accountability and justice? What more can be done for those missing and/or arbitrarily detained?


Thank you.


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