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Ávarp í umræðu um rasisma og útlendingahatur

Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Brynja Þrastardóttir frá fastanefnd Íslands flutti í dag ávarp um mikilvægi þess að baráttan gegn rasisma og útlendingahatri sé haldið áfram.

42nd session of the Human Rights Council - General debate item 9

23 September 2019

Statement by Iceland

Mr. President,

Iceland is committed to fighting racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.

It was therefore a pleasure for our delegation to be reviewed by the Committee on the elimination of racial discrimination just this August. The dialogue was timely for Iceland as we have seen in just over a decade our immigration multiply, with immigrants being only 3,6% of the population in 2005 to now 12,6% in 2018.

During this shift, it has been a priority for Iceland to promote equality and fight against racial and any other form of discrimination. Iceland wants to be a country that celebrates diversity, where all individuals enjoy their human rights equally and have the same opportunities to fully participate in society.

While this change has been a challenge for both government and society in general, a vast majority of Icelanders seems to agree that immigrants have a positive impact on society. A recent survey conducted by the Ministry of Social Affairs and the Social Science Research Institute found that 60% of Icelanders believed that immigrants had a positive impact on the economy.

But the dialogue with the Committee reminded us to be vigilant, to continue our efforts and to take further steps to achieve our common goal.

Mr. President,

This dialogue also reaffirmed for us the belief that the Convention is still as relevant today as it was when it was drafted. It does not require new protocols, amendments or additions for any new theme or group. Such additions might have the opposite effect and, with limited ratification of those additions, may call the current mandate of the committee into question.

We therefore continue to call for renewed efforts for the universal ratification of the Convention as the best way to ensure the respect for the inherent dignity and the equal rights of all members of the human family.

I thank you Mr. President.


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