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Ávarp í umræðu um Kambódíu

Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Fastafulltrúi Íslands, Harald Aspelund, flutti í dag ávarp fyrir hönd Norðurlandanna í sérstakri umræðu um ástand mannréttinda í Kambódíu.


Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the
situation of human rights in Cambodia

42nd session of the Human Rights Council

25 September 2019

Joint Statement by the Nordic Countries


Mr. President,

I have the honor of delivering this statement on behalf of the Nordic countries, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and my own country Iceland. We thank the Special Rapporteur for her reports, and we note the comments by the Kingdom of Cambodia.

We remain concerned about the situation for the political opposition in Cambodia. Former members of the Cambodia National Rescue Party have reportedly received summons, and some have been detained for expressing support for their former leaders or for attending gatherings. This repression of political rights must end - democracy and the rule of law, as well as a fair and free election process, are prerequisites for the full enjoyment of human rights.

We strongly urge Cambodia to fully reopen its democratic space and to create an environment conducive to political dialogue between the Government and the opposition, including members of the former Cambodia National Rescue Party.

We regret that the Special Rapporteur was again denied confidential interviews with detainees, in particular Kem Sokha, who remains under de facto house arrest. We reiterate our call for the release of Mr. Sokha and for the charges to be dropped. This appeal applies similarly to other individuals detained or charged for exercising their human rights, including the two former Radio Free Asia journalists.

Mr. President,

We fully support the renewal of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Cambodia and would in conclusion like to ask the Special Rapporteur to expand on her conclusion that some apparent openings of democratic and civic space do not appear to be effecting change.

I thank you.


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