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Ræða Íslands í umræðu um Georgíu

Harald Aspelund, fastafulltrúi Íslands gagnvart mannréttindaráðinu, flutti í dag ræðu í umræðu um ástand mannréttindamála í Georgíu.


Item 10 Iceland Statement

Situation in Georgia

27 September 2018



Mr. President,

Iceland would like to thank the Office of the High Commissioner for its efforts to provide cooperation and assistance to Georgia. We also take note of and welcome the commitment of the Government of Georgia to human rights, as described in the High Commissioner´s latest report.

We take this opportunity to encourage the Government to prioritize the promotion of gender equality, welcoming work done so far, in particular the adoption earlier this year of a National Action Plan on Measures to be Implemented for Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence for the period 2018-2020.


Mr. President,

We would like to echo the concern of OHCHR of the state of human rights of populations living in Abkhazia and South Ossetia and call on those in control of these regions to grant immediate access to OHCHR.

We reiterate that it is not acceptable that no access has been granted, despite repeated requests since 2011. It is not sufficient to allow access to United Nations development and humanitarian actors, actors dealing with human rights must also be allowed access, including OHCHR, the Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner and others.

The few reports that have come out of these areas would seem to point to serious human rights issues. Therefore, all parties should be embracing the need for credible and verified information.


Finally, Mr. President,

Ten years have passed since the conflict between Russia and Georgia. Iceland would like to express its full support for a peaceful resolution of conflict in Georgia and takes this opportunity to reiterate its firm support for Georgia’s sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity within its internationally recognized borders.


I thank you.


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