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Mannréttindaráð SÞ í Genf - myndUN Photo/Violaine Martin

Sandra Lyngdorf, mannréttindasérfræðingur, flutti í dag ávarp í umræðu um lönd sem þarfnast sérstrar athugunar og ræddi þar sérstaklega stöðu mannréttinda í Kasmír svæðinu, Sádi Arabíu, Venesúela og Íran.


Item 4 Statement by Iceland

42nd session of the Human Rights Council

17 September 2019


Thank you, Mr. President.

With regard to the issue of Jammu and Kashmir, and the actions taken there recently by the Government of India, we would like to encourage Indian authorities to seek cooperation with UN bodies, such as the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. It is paramount that independent monitoring and reporting takes place in Jammu and Kashmir and that human rights and fundamental freedoms are respected in all circumstances, by all parties.

We call on both sides to refrain from any action that escalates the situation further and to engage in bilateral dialogue, with a view to finding a peaceful and lasting solution.

While we welcome the recent announcement by Saudi Arabia of landmark reforms for Saudi women, the Saudi women human rights defenders who have been at the forefront of campaigns to abolish the male guardianship system or fighting for the right to drive, remain on trial for their activism or in detention. We call on Saudi Arabia to release the women human rights defenders and to drop the charges against them.

In Iran, we regret the recent death of an Iranian female football fan, nicknamed “blue girl”, who was reportedly arrested for trying to enter a football stadium.  It is unconscionable in our view to ban and punish women for seeking to attend sporting events and we call on Iran to immediately end this discriminatory ban. The ban on women in sports stadiums is emblematic of the discrimination against women across the country and allowing women to watch sports would be an important step towards ensuring that women – and others – enjoy the freedoms they are entitled to.

Mr. President,

Iceland continues to be extremely concerned about the situation in Venezuela. Access to medicines remains insufficient and children continue to suffer from malnutrition on account of a lack of access to food. Meanwhile, the Venezuelan authorities have a hand in extrajudicial executions, arbitrary detentions and intimidation of anyone who dares defy the authorities.

The fact that more than 4.3 million Venezuelans have fled their country speaks louder than words on the situation in the country.

The unprecedented human rights crisis in Venezuela cannot go on and those responsible for human rights violations must be brought to justice. 

I thank you.


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