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Ræða Önnu Jóhannsdóttur sendiherra á fundi Alþjóðaráðs Rauða krossins og Rauða hálfmánans

International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent
33rd International Conference
International Conference Center of Geneva
9-12 December 2019

For the Record: Voices from the Conference

H.E. Ms. Anna Jóhannsdóttir
Ambassador, Director General for Legal and Executive Affairs

Madame Chair, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen

Let me start by congratulating you, Madame Chair, on being appointed to preside over this 33rd International Conference. A conference which provides us an opportunity to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Geneva Conventions. On this occasion, Iceland would like to commend the remarkable work of the Movement around the world and emphasize its firm commitment to strengthening and promoting international humanitarian law.

This anniversary, however, takes place against the backdrop of multiple crises and armed conflicts, with dire humanitarian consequences. Across the world, we witness the highest levels of forcibly displaced persons and flagrant violations of international humanitarian law. The challenges of climate change further distort the situation and demand our urgent attention.

Iceland commends the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement for its tireless efforts in responding to these escalating humanitarian needs. We express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to humanitarian workers and volunteers around the world for their tireless efforts in often difficult and dangerous circumstances.

Madame Chair,

Iceland strongly believes that the effective implementation of international humanitarian law is a cornerstone in addressing humanitarian challenges. Grave violations in recent years demand that States boost their advocacy for and demand compliance with humanitarian law in all situations of armed conflict. National implementation, stronger domestic expertise and dissemination of IHL plays a central role in protecting people and the environment in conflict.

This Conference is an important moment to reaffirm our collective commitment. The Icelandic Government, jointly with the Icelandic Red Cross has pledged to take steps towards further dissemination of IHL both nationally and internationally, and advocate for full implementation and compliance worldwide.

We hope that with the adoption of the resolution on “Bringing IHL home” we all will be able to re-energize commitments and implementation going forward.

I especially want to welcome the emphasis at this conference on the importance of women in leadership of the Movement. The Icelandic Red Cross has been in the forefront in this regard and I noted this as a strong theme in the speeches of the Movement’s leaders on Monday. We highly welcome the resolution presented at this conference and consider it both pertinent and timely. We certainly also hope to see this realised in the vote of the Standing Committe today (Thursday).

Madame Chair,

Protecting people in armed conflict is at the core of international humanitarian law. We must ensure that affected populations enjoy basic human rights and dignity and that vulnerable and disadvantaged groups are not left behind.

We are pleased to see that considerable progress has been made in prevention of sexual and gender-based violence and response to such crimes, across the Movement since our last conference. However, such violence continues to be widespread and limited access to sexual and reproductive health services is a concern. We can do more and better in responding to the critical needs of women and girls. Addressing this kind of violence, also against men and boys must remain a priority.

Let me assure you that Iceland, will continue to do its part. The Government and Icelandic Red Cross have pledged to contribute additional resources, 40 million kronas, just over 330 thousand US dollars, to this effort, as well as providing experts and training for technical support.

To conclude, let me inform you that over the coming four years, the Icelandic Government will remain engaged and has pledged to take a number of significant actions. We will continue our close and productive relationship with the Icelandic Red Cross and commit to strengthen our efforts in various areas, such as in tackling human trafficking and we will instigate new and stronger cooperation to enhance resilience for disaster preparedness in the Arctic region. And as part of a Nordic pledge, we promote and work towards greener approach in humanitarian operations, protecting the environment in armed conflict.

I thank you.


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