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Showing 41-60 af 1745 results.


  • Ministry of Food٫ Agriculture and Fisheries

    Statement on Responsible Fisheries in Iceland

    This statement is presented by several responsible parties in the Icelandic fishing industry, the minister of fisheries, the Marine Research Institute, the Directorate of Fisheries and the Fisheries A...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Progress of the Plan for Removal of Capital Controls

    The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs today published a report on the progress of plans to remove restrictions on cross-border capital movements and foreign currency trading. The minister shal...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Second meeting of the Financial Stability Council in 2018

    The second meeting of the Financial Stability Council was held on Tuesday March 20 with a continuation on April 13. The meeting discussed the risk in the financial system which is still considered m...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Absentee voting for local elections on May 26, 2018 has begun

    The polling stations abroad are all of the diplomatic missions of Iceland, i.e. Embassies, Permanent Missions (except the Permanent Mission to NATO in Brussels), and General Consulates, along with the...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Fiscal plan 2019-2023 Improved social infrastructure, lower taxes and and better public services

    The first Fiscal Strategy Plan of the coalition Government formed by the Left-Green Movement, the Independence Party, and the Progressive Party, reflects the Government’s commitment to ensure that soc...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland takes diplomatic measures against Russia

    The government of Iceland has decided to stand in solidarity with the United Kingdom and other western states and join in their coordinated response to the chemical attack in Salisbury in England earl...

  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

    Educational attainment of women and men differs by region

    More than half of women aged 25–64 had tertiary education compared with just over third of men at the same age in 2017. Around 56% of women and 43% of men in the capital region had tertiary education ...

  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

    The leaflet Women and Men in Iceland 2018

    Statistics Iceland has published the leaflet Women and Men in Iceland 2018 in cooperation with the Centre for Gender Equality and The Ministry of Welfare. The leaflet has information on the status of ...

  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

    The gender pay gap narrows

    Statistics Iceland’s analysis on the gender pay gap, in cooperation with an action group on equal pay appointed by the government and the social partners, shows a narrowing gender pay gap during the p...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury sells 13% stake in Arion Bank to Kaupskil

    The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs has, upon consultation with the Government and the Ministerial Committee on Economic Affairs and Financial System Restructuring, agreed to Icelandic State ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Minutes of the meeting of the Financial Stability Council on January 18 2018

    Meeting held at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs In attendance were: Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, chairman; Már Guðmundsson, Governor of the Central Bank ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Bill of legislation amending the Act on Financial Undertakings in response to ESA comments

    The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) published a press release today regarding its reasoned opinion that the Icelandic authorities have not adequately incorporated three provisions of Council Direct...

  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

    Questions and Answers on equal pay certification

    A bill of law (amendments to the Gender Equality Act No. 10/2008) was passed by the Icelandic Parliament (Althingi) with a vast majority on June 1st 2017 and came into force on January 1st 2018. Compa...

  • Ministry of Health

    Dental care free of charge for all children from 1 January

    All children under 18 years of age are entitled to free dental care under an agreement concluded between Icelandic Health Insurance and the Dentists’ Association of Iceland. To be eligible, children m...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    First meeting of the Financial Stability Council in 2018

    The first meeting of the Financial Stability Council in 2018 was held on Thursday 18 January at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs. On the whole, risks in the financial system are relativel...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Signing of a Tax Convention between Iceland and Japan

    A Convention between Iceland and Japan for the Elimination of Double Taxation with respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance (hereinafter, the Convention) was signed i...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury reduces pension liabilities by ISK 19 bn

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs confirmed today that an agreement had been reached with the Pension Fund for State Employees (LSR) concerning a transfer of ISK 19 bn in assets that were p...

  • Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

    New Icelandic law on Equal Pay Certification entered into force on January 1, 2018

    A bill of law (amendments to the Gender Equality Act 10/2008 ) that was submitted by the Minister of Social Affairs and Equality and passed by the Parliament with vast majority on June ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    S&P affirms its sovereign credit ratings on the Republic of Iceland with a stable outlook

    Today S&P Global Ratings affirms its long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on the Republic of Iceland at 'A/A-1'. The outlook is stable and balances the potentia...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    2018 - Fiscal Budget Information

    2018 National Budget Proposal - Press Release

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