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Showing 61-80 af 1744 results.


  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    National Budget proposal for 2018

    ISK 35 bn surplus on Treasury operations Treasury debt reduced by ISK 50 bn Significantly increased allocations to healthcare, education, environment, and transport The National Budget p...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Fiscal Policy Statement for the years 2018–2022

    The principal objective of the Fiscal Policy Statement is that a sizeable surplus will be maintained on public sector operations as a whole, i.e. including public corporations, over the period, or aro...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury issues new Eurobond

    Today the Republic of Iceland has issued bonds in the amount of EUR 500 million, the equivalent of ISK 61.5 bn. The bonds bear 0.5% fixed interest and a five-year maturity, offering investors a y...

  • Ministry of Health

    Facts about Down syndrome and pre-natal screening in Iceland

    The Icelandic Ministry of Welfare considers it urgent to present the following facts due to incorrect and misleading information which has repeatedly been spread abroad concerning the birth of childre...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Fitch Ratings upgrades Iceland to ‘A’; outlook is stable

    Fitch Ratings announced today that it had upgraded Iceland‘s long-term foreign and local-currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to ‘A’ from ‘A-’. The ratings outlook is stable.The main rating driv...

  • Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Infrastructure

    New Government Takes Office

    The government took over the reins formally at a meeting of the Council of State held at the presidential residence at Bessastaðir on 30 November. The new government is a three-party coalition of the ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Continues as Minister for Foreign Affairs

    Gudlaugur Thor Thordarson is Minister for Foreign Affairs in the government of the Independence Party, Left Green Movement and the Progressive Party, which took office yesterday and is headed by Ms. K...

  • Prime Ministers Office

    New Icelandic Government takes office

    A Government of the Left Green Movement, the Independence Party and the Progressive Party, took office today. The Government is headed by Mrs. Katrín Jakobsdóttir, chairman of the Left Green Movement...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Brexit and Iceland

    On 25 November 2017 the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs published a report which explores the potential implications of the United Kingdom's departure from the European Economic Area for Icelan...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Strong agreement at bilateral dialogue between Iceland and the United Kingdom

    On 21 November, officials from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Iceland met for an annual bilateral dialogue with their colleagues from UK Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Department for Exiting th...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury outcome for the first nine months of 2017

    The Treasury accounts for January-September 2017 are now available. The income balance is ISK 39.6bn, which is ISK 25.7bn above the projection for the period. After adjusting for deviations due to th...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    A report on the progress of plans to remove capital controls

    The Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs has, as provided for in Act No. 16/2013 of the Icelandic parliament Althingi, published a report on the progress of plans to remove capital controls. ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury buys back its own bonds for USD 31 million nominal value

    The Republic of Iceland has bought back, for cancellation, its own bonds in the nominal value of USD 31 million in the ICELAND 5.875% series maturing in 2022 (Reg S ISIN USX34650AA31 and 144A ISIN US4...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland and Ireland co-chair the Missile Technology Control Regime

    Iceland and Ireland will co-chair the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) from 2017-2018. The MTCR aims at limiting the proliferation of distribution technology, such as missiles for weapons of m...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Diplomatic relations between Iceland and Cook Islands

    Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, and Henry Puna, Prime Minister of Cook Islands, today signed a communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations between Iceland ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Third meeting of the Financial Stability Council in 2017

    The third meeting of the Financial Stability Council in 2017 was held on Monday 9 October at the Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs.Overall, the risk in the financial system is considered rather...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Absentee voting abroad

    Voters who are not in Iceland on election day, may vote at any of Iceland's embassies or at the consulates in New York, Winnipeg, Faroe Islands and Nuuk.They may also vote by special arrangement with ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Restored honour vs. pardoning

    In the last few days there has been widespread misunderstanding in international media of the Icelandic term “uppreist æru” (restored honour). Restored honour, known as uppreist æru, is an Icelandic l...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    National Budget Proposal 2018

    The Fiscal Budget Proposal submitted to the Icelandic parliament Althingi today is consistent with the objectives of the five-year Fiscal Plan for 2018-2022, adopted by the Althingi last June. The 201...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Sturla Sigurjonsson new Permanent Secretary of State

    The Minister for Foreign Affairs has appointed Ambassador Sturla Sigurjonsson as Permanent Secretary of State from 1 September 2017. Ambassador Stefan Haukur Johannesson, who was Permanent Secretary f...

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