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Showing 641-660 af 1739 results.


  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister visits Gaza, Jordan and Ramallah

    Today Minister for Foreign Affairs Össur Skarphéðinsson met with high-ranking officials of the Arab League in Cairo to discuss the situation in Palestine. Later today the foreign minister will travel...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January-May 2011

    Statistics for Treasury finances in January-May 2011 are now available. Treasury finances January-May 2011 (PDF 56 KB)

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Minister meets with EU Commissioners and European Parliament MEP

    Össur Skarphéðinsson Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland met today and yesterday with three European Union Commissioners and two representatives of the European Parliament. The meetings followed y...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Four chapters opened and two closed at the launch of substantive accession negotiations between Iceland and the EU

    The first substantive EU–Iceland Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) in Brussels on 27 June saw the opening of four chapters and the immediate closing of two of them. At the meeting, Icelandic Foreign ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Minister signs a free trade agreement between EFTA and Hong Kong

    Össur Skarphéðinsson, the Foreign Minister of Iceland, has signed on behalf of Iceland, a free trade agreeement between the four EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland) and Hon...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on energy concluded

    The screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 15 – energy – was concluded in Brussels on 20 June. At the meeting, experts from Iceland and the EU compared the legislation falling under the ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening process concluded

    Today marks the conclusion of the screening process between the European Union and Iceland, which began in November last year. Experts from Iceland and the European Commission have now compared and sc...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Letter of Credentials presented to president of Mongolia

    Kristín A. Árnadottir, Ambassador of Iceland, presented a Letter of Credentials to the President of Mongolia, H.E.  Tsakija Elbegdorj, on 6 June of this year. The national anthems of the two coun...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Minister meets with a representative of the National Transitional Council in Libya

    Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphéðinsson, met with Mr. Guma El-Gamaty, the UK Co-ordinator for the National Transitional Council (NTC) in Libya on 3 June 2011 to discuss the situat...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January - April 2011

    Statistics for Treasury finances in January - April 2011 are now available here

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Iceland issues USD 1 billion bond - A milestone says Finance Minister

    Iceland has today issued a USD 1 billion Reg S / 144A bond offering due in 2016. This is a fixed rate issue with a 4.993% semi-annual yield, which reflects 3.20% premium over mid-swaps. The transactio...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening on enterprise and industrial policy concluded

    Screening meeting with European Union on Chapter 20 – Enterprise and industrial policy – was concluded in Brussels on Wednesday, 25 May 2011. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts f...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Volcanic activity significantly reduced

    Activity in the volcanic eruption in Grimsvotn in southern Iceland is significantly reduced and the volcano is reduced to emitting mostly low steam, 100-200 meters. Small explosions can still be expec...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on External Relations concluded

    The screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 30 – External Relations – was concluded in Brussels on 19 May. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and the EU...

  • Prime Ministers Office

    Eruption on the wane; clean-up phase begins

     “The worst is over,” said Icelandic Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir today, “and now the clean-up can begin. Our geoscientists say that the eruption is waning day by day and that the proble...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Eruption on the wane; clean-up phase begins

     “The worst is over,” said Icelandic Prime Minister Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir today, “and now the clean-up can begin. Our geoscientists say that the eruption is waning day by day and that the proble...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on Foreign, Security and Defence Policy concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 31 – Foreign, Security and Defence Policy – was concluded in Brussels 20 May. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Eruption in Grimsvotn

    A volcanic eruption began in the Grimsvotn underneath the Vatnajökull glacier in South-East Iceland in the afternoon of Saturday, 21 May. Due to airborn ash concentration resulting from the eruption p...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on Economic and Monetary Policy concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 17 – Economic and monetary policy – was concluded in Brussels 17 May. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and the...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Secretary Clinton and minister Skarphéðinsson agree on further cooperation in the Arctic

    Iceland and the United States will begin work on a memorandum of understanding for scientific cooperation on Arctic issues, following a meeting between Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Sk...

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