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Showing 681-700 af 1739 results.


  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening on Social Policy and Employment Concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 19 – Social Policy and Employment – was concluded in Brussels 16 Mars. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and th...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland Supports Humanitarian Assistance Caused by the Crisis in Libya

    The Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Össur Skarphéðinsson, has announced that Iceland will contribute ISK 12 million to humanitarian assistance for people affected by the crisis in Libya. ISK 6 milli...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    The EU Culture Programme grants € 200,000 to Sagenhaftes Island

    "Sagenhaftes Island" has received a € 200,000 grant from the EU's Culture programme. In the months before the Frankfurt Book Fair in October, Sagenhaftes Island will stage an ambitious series of cultu...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Advertisement on the referendum on 9 April 2011

    With reference to Article 5 of the Referendum Act, No. 91/2010 (cf. Article 26 of the Constitution, No. 33/1944), it is hereby determined that a referendum will beheld on 9 April 2011 regarding the va...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening Meeting on Taxation concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 16 – Taxation – was concluded in Brussels on 4 March 2011. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and the EU compare...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening Meeting on Fisheries Concluded

    The screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 13 – Fisheries – was concluded in Brussels on 2 March 2011. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland presented a d...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    National referendum on Icesave bill held on 9 April

    Following the President´s decision not to sign into law the so-called Icesave bill passed by parliament, a national referendum on its validity will be held on 9 April. The bill authorises the Governme...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January-Desember 2010

    Statistics for Treasury finances in January-Desember 2010 are now available. Treasury finances January-Desember 2010 (PDF 42 KB)

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    President referred bill on Icesave to a referendum

    The President of Iceland has today referred bill of legislation authorizing the Minister of Finance to ratify agreements to "guarantee (a) repayment by the Depositors' and Investors' Guarantee Fund to...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Strategy for Iceland's Development Cooperation 2011-2014

    Foreign Minister Össur Skarphéðinsson has submitted a proposal for a parliamentary resolution on a Strategy for Iceland's Development Cooperation 2011-2014. The strategic plan is presented in accordan...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Parliament agrees on a bill regarding Icesave

    The Icelandic Parliament, Althingi, agreed today on a bill from the Minister of Finance that confirms the fresh agreement reached between Iceland, UK and The Netherlands on the Icesave issue. The resu...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Polish and Icelandic Foreign Ministers meet in Warsaw

    Foreign Minister Ossur Skarphedinsson met with his Polish counterpart Minister Radoslaw Sikorski in Warsaw yesterday. Poland will take over the EU Council Presidency as of 1 July and it is anticipated...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on Judiciary and fundamental rights concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 23 – Judiciary and fundamental rights – was concluded in Brussels last Friday. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Icelan...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister visits Lithuania

    Last week, Foreign Minister Ossur Skarphedinsson visited Vilnius at the invitation of the Lithuanian government to celebrate that Iceland was the first country to support Lithuania's independence 20 y...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on Freedom of movement for workers concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 2 – Freedom of movement for workers – was concluded in Brussels 9 February. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    The Ministry of Finance presents the Treasury's Medium-term Debt Management Strategy for 2011-2014

    Medium-term Debt Management Strategy 2011-2014 (PDF 916) The Treasury's debt management strategy reflects the government's plans for financing its activities during this period. It provides a brea...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister on the situation in Egypt

    Össur Skarphedinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, is deeply concerned by the situation in Egypt and condemns any use of violence against protesters. The UN High Commissioner on Human...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on Agriculture and rural development concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 11 – Agriculture and rural development – was concluded in Brussels 27 January. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Icelan...

  • Ministry of Infrastructure

    Internet Governance Forum

    Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Ministry of the Interior and SAFT (Safer Internet) will host the first Internet Governance Forum on the International Safer Internet Day, February the 8th&#...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Screening meeting on Environment concluded

    Screening meeting with the European Union on Chapter 27- Environment – was concluded in Brussels 19 January. At the meeting, which was the latter one of two, experts from Iceland and the EU compared t...

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