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Showing 741-760 af 1740 results.


  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Meetings on Icesave-issues

    Meetings on Icesave-issues were held in Haag between negotiations committees of Iceland, Britain and The Netherlands, on 2. and 3. September. The meetings were useful but nothing has yet been decided ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Debt statistics, August 2010

    Central government debts and assets 2000-2009 (PDF 27 KB), August 2010

  • Ministry of Infrastructure

    Eyjafjallajökull and Aviation

    Aviation leaders, experts and policy-makers from all over the world will assemble in Iceland in September to discuss the lessons learned from the Eyjafallajökull eruption and how technology, rules, re...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January-June 2010

    Statistics for Treasury finances in January-June 2010 are now available Treasury finances January - June 2010

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Icelandic government contributes aid to Pakistan

    At a cabinet meeting this morning the Minister for Foreign Affairs informed that ISK 23 million will be contributed to emergency aid in areas impacted by the monsoon floods in Pakistan. The floods, th...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland EU accession negotiations formally opened

    Iceland's accession negotiations with the European Union were formally opened today at the first intergovernmental conference in Brussels. Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphédinsson,...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister, Össur Skarphedinsson attends EU-Iceland Accession Conference

    Össur Skarphedinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs will be traveling to Brussels Today, where he is to participate in the Intergovernmental Conference on 27 July 2010, which marks the start of the neg...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Minister for Foreign Affairs visits China

    In a one-hour long meeting with Xi Jinping, Vice President of the People's Republic of China, in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing today, the Icelandic Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarph...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Skarphedinsson meets with the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Hungary

    Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, met this morning with János Martonyi, Hungarian Foreign Minister and Pal Schmitt, Speaker of the Parliament and newly elected presiden...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January-April 2010

    Statistics for Treasury finances in January-April 2010 are now available. Treasury finances January-April 2010 (PDF 56 KB)

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January-May 2010

    Statistics for Treasury finances in January-May 2010 are now available. Treasury finances January-May 2010 (PDF 56 KB)

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    MEPs back Iceland's EU membership bid

    The prospect of Iceland becoming a new EU Member State is welcomed in a resolution adopted on Wednesday by the European Parliament. Iceland's accession would allow the EU to play a more active role i...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    MEPs back Iceland's EU membership bid

    The prospect of Iceland becoming a new EU Member State is welcomed in a resolution adopted on Wednesday by the European Parliament. Iceland's accession would allow the EU to play a more active role i...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Icelandic Foreign Minister meets with his Croatian counterpart and president Josipovic

    Össur Skarphedinsson, Minister for Foreign affairs of Iceland, met yesterday in Zagreb with Gordan Jandrokovic, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Croatia and Ivo Josipovic, President of Croatia. Later i...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Politiloven, nr. 90 13. juni 1996 med senere ændringer

    Ajourført 1. januar 2007 KAP. I. Politiets formål m.v. § 1. Formål. Staten opretholder politiets virksomhed. Politiet har til opgave at: opretholde fred og orden, sørge f...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Ændringer af den islandske lov om statsborgerret

    Ændringer af den islandske lov om statsborgerret Ministeriet ønsker at oplyse at Altinget har vedtaget en ændring af lov nr. 100/1952 om islandsk statsborgerret, der åbner mulighed for islandske st...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Lov om erstatningsansvar

    (Lov nr. 50 19. maj 1993 som ændret ved lov nr. 42/1996, lov nr. 149/1997, lov nr. 37/1999 og lov nr. 111/2000). Autoriseret oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk   KAPITEL  I. Erstatning ...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Lov om udbetaling af erstatning fra staten til ofre for forbrydelser

    Lov nr. 69 af 10. marts 1995 om udbetaling af erstatning fra staten til ofre for forbrydelser som ændret ved lov nr. 144/1995 Kap. I Lovens område §1 Staten yder erstatning for skader, der er...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    The Icesave issue discussed in Reykjavík

    Press release No. 14/2010   The negotiation committee representing the Icelandic government on the Icesave issue met yesterday and today with representatives of the UK and Dutch governments in...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Bekendtgörelse om register over trafikovertrædelser og point-system for trafikovertrædelser Nr. 431/1998

    Oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk Lovtidende B, nr. 431/1998 BEKENDTGØRELSE om register over trafikovertrædelser og point-system for trafikovertrædelser KAP. 1. Register over trafikovert...

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