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Showing 761-780 af 1741 results.


  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    The Icesave issue discussed in Reykjavík

    Press release No. 14/2010   The negotiation committee representing the Icelandic government on the Icesave issue met yesterday and today with representatives of the UK and Dutch governments in...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Bekendtgörelse om register over trafikovertrædelser og point-system for trafikovertrædelser Nr. 431/1998

    Oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk Lovtidende B, nr. 431/1998 BEKENDTGØRELSE om register over trafikovertrædelser og point-system for trafikovertrædelser KAP. 1. Register over trafikovert...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Den islandske færdselslov nr. 50/1987 med senere ændringer, § 101

    Oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk   Den islandske færdselslov nr. 50/1987 med senere ændringer, § 101 § 101. Inddragelse af førerret. Retten til at føre motordrevet køretøj hvortil køre...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Lov om islandsk statsborgerret

    Oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk Ajourført 1. august 2007 Lov om islandsk statsborgerret (Lov nr. 100 23. december 1952, jfr. l. nr. 49/1982, l. nr. 62/1998, l. nr. 82/1998, l. nr. 96/2002, l. nr....

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Promote Iceland formally established

    Promote Iceland (Islandsstofa) was formally established today, two months after the Icelandic Parliament adopted new legislation for the Agency. The aim is to strengthen Iceland's image and reputation...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Den islandske borgerlige straffelov

    Oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk Den islandske borgerlige straffelov nr. 19, 1940 med senere ændringer (pr. 1. juli 2009) Trådte i kraft 12. august 1940. Ændret ved l. 47/1941 (trådte i kraft 30....

  • Ministry of Justice


    Oversættelse fra islandsk til dansk Den islandske straffeproceslov Nr. 88 12. juni 2008 I. AFSNIT Generelle regler om straffesagers behandling   KAPITEL 1 Lovens gyldighedsområde og dommerne i ...

  • Ministry of Justice

    Børnelov nr. 76 27. marts 2003

    Oversættelse fra islandsk til  dansk   Lov nr. 76 27. marts 2003 Børnelov   Kap. I  Et barns moderskab og faderskab. § 1.  Et barns ret til at kende sine forældre   ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    EFTA Ministerial meeting: Free Trade Agreement signed with Ukraine

    On 24 June 2010, the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) held its summer Ministerial meeting in Reykjavik, Iceland, chaired by Össur Skarphéðinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs and External Trade ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Professor Jagdish Bhagwati on the Climate Change Treaty

    Jagdish Bhagwati, Professor of Economy at Columbia University, will give an open lecture on climate change; ,,After Copenhagen: Designing the Climate Change Treaty" Thursday 24 June at 12:00-13:00 at ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Deputy Minister Titov of Russia meets Minister Skarphedinsson

    Vladimir Titov, Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs of Russia, met today with Össur Skarphédinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland. In their meeting the ministers discussed issues of the High...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    European Council decides to open negotiations with Iceland

    The European Council decided today that negotiations should be opened for Iceland's accession to the European Union.  The decision follows a positive opinion by the European Commission in Februar...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    He Guoqiang visits Iceland

    Mr. He Guoqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, visits Iceland on 9-10 June. Mr. This morning he met with Mr. Össur Skarphedi...

  • Ministry of Infrastructure

    IATA Announces Eagle Awards - Isavia Most Improved ANSP

    The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recognized the outstanding achievements of ISAVIA (Iceland), Air Traffic Control  the Netherlands (LVNL), Nav Canada, Greater Toronto Airports A...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Icelanders get online for an invitiation to visit Iceland

    Tomorrow, Thursday 3 June, Icelanders will gather together online to show the world their country is open for business, open for excitement and hoping to inspire the world. Backed by the Government of...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland condemns Israeli raid on Gaza convoy

      Iceland's Minister for Foreign Affairs, Össur Skarphéðinsson, condemns the Israeli raid on a ship convoy enroute to Gaza. Several Nordic citizens, MPs and representatives of peace- organisatio...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Briefings about Iceland in eight European countries

      Briefings emphasizing Iceland as an unique tourist destination, following the volcanic eruption in Eyjafjallajökull, will be held in eight European countries this week. The briefings, which ta...

  • Prime Ministers Office

    Bank Crisis First-In Will Be First-Out

    Iceland has been called the Island of the Sagas, and recently there has been no shortage of sagas. When the volcanic eruption started in Eyjafjallajokull last April, severely disrupting international...

  • Ministry of Infrastructure

    Statistics report for 2009 published

    The report contains information on the fixed network, mobile network, internet and income and investment. Statistics on the Icelandic electronic communication market 2009

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Annual report on foreign affairs

    Ossur Skarphedinsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs, delivered today his annual report on foreign affairs to the Icelandic Parliament. Among the main issues addressed in the report are the following: ...

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