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Showing 1421-1440 af 1743 results.


  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Weekly Web Release August 11, 2005

    Weekly Web Release August 11, 2005 (PDF 186K) 1. Voluntary pension saving is becoming more widespread 2. Agreements on an exchange of information on tax matters 3. The interest cost of the Treasury...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January - June 2005. Report date: August 4th, 2005

    Treasury finances January - June 2005. (PDF 102k )

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Women and Development

    Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations at the Substantive Session of the Economic and Social Council Agenda Item 13 (a) Sustainable...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    The Question of Equitable Representation on the Security Council

    Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations at the 59th session of the GENERAL ASSEMBLY - 111th PLENARY MEETING on the question ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January - May 2005. Report date: June 30, 2005

    Treasury finances January - May 2005 (PDF 103K)

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    The Millennium Development Goals

    Mr. President The last two years have seen a growing momentum for change and rejuvenation in the United Nations system. We have had the High Level Panel Report, the Millenium Project report and the r...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Preparation for the 2005 Summit

    Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations   at the   GENERAL ASSEMBLY INFORMAL CONSULTATIONS OF THE PLENARY ON THE PREPA...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Nordic foreign ministers: Iraq needs our assistance

    After years of suffering the Iraqi people now have a historic opportunity to democratise and build up their country. However, a deep and lasting international commitment is required to give the Iraqis...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January - April 2005. Report date: June 2, 2005

    Treasury finances January - April 2005 (PDF103K).

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Democracy and Human Rights: A Mission for NATO?


  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

        Mr. President   Let me begin by thanking you, Mr. Foreign Minister, for presiding over this open debate on Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. I would also like to thank the Danish pre...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Address by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, David Oddsson

    Address by David Oddsson Foreign Minister of Iceland   Summit Meeting of the Council of Europe Warsaw 16-17 May 2005   Mr. Chairman   Allow me to thank the Polish presidency f...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances January - March 2005. Report date: May 12, 2005

    Treasury finances January - March 2005 (PDF 104K)

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations at the General Debate of the 2005 Review Conference of the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapon...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Address by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, David Oddsson, on foreign affairs to the Althing

    UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATION Address by the Minister for Foreign Affairs Davíð Oddsson on foreign affairs to the Althing Delivered in the Althing at its 131st legislative session, 2004-2005 Ministry...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Strengthening the United Nations

    The Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations   Statement by Mr. Harald Aspelund Deputy Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations   at the informal thematic c...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Freedom from fear

    The Permanent Mission of Iceland to the United Nations   Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations   at the informal the...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Freedom from want

    Mr. Facilitator I would like to address comments on the Secretary-General’s Cluster I on Freedom from want.    In my intervention last Thursday, I said that central to the ideal o...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    General Debate of the UN Committee on Information

    Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations   AT THE GENERAL DEBATE OF THE UN COMMITEE ON INFORMATION DURING ITS 27TH SESSION ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    The Report of the Secretary General

    Statement by Ambassador Hjálmar W. Hannesson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations at the   informal thematic consultations of the General Assembly on Cluster III (Fr...

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