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Showing 1581-1600 af 1742 results.


  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Minister's Report to the Althing

    Report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and External Trade on Foreign Affairs to the Althing 27 February 2003 (for publication following delivery) The final text is the speech as delivered INTROD...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Committee on Fisheries - 25th Session

    Committee on Fisheries Twenty-fifth Session Rome, 24-28 February 2003 Agenda item 5: Progress Report on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and Related International P...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Open debate of the Security Council on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait

    Open debate of the Security Council on the situation between Iraq and Kuwait on 19 February 2003 Statement by H.E. Mr. Thorsteinn Ingólfsson Permanent Representative of Iceland to the United Nations ...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Did Kosovo Herald a New Era for NATO and the United Nations?

    Did Kosovo Herald a New Era for NATO and the United Nations? A talk delivered by Ambassador Gunnar Pálsson* at the University of Iceland 14 February 2003 * The author served as the Permanent Represe...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances in 2002. Report date: February 7, 2003.

    This report is available in PDF form (PDF29K) Figures for the cash-based transactions of Treasury finances are now available for the full year 2002. They are not comparable to the fiscal budget or...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    UNEP Governing Council in Nairobi

    UNEP Governing Council Nairobi, 3 - 7 February 2003 Statement of the Chair of Senior Arctic Officials, Ambassador Gunnar Pálsson I have asked for the floor from the seat of Iceland, but in my capac...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    The Macro-Economic Impact of the Construction of Power Projects and Aluminium Smelters

    The Macro-Economic Impact of the Construction of Power Projects and Aluminium Smelters, 10 January 2003 (PDF 79K)

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    OSCE Ministerial Council

    OSCE Ministerial Council, 6-7 December 2002: Statement by H.E. Mr. Halldor Asgrimsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, Terrori...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances in October 2002. Report date: November 21, 2002

    Treasury Finances in OctoberReport date November 21, 2002
    This report is available in PDF (16K)

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances in September 2002. Report date: October 24, 2002

    Treasury Finances in SeptemberReport date October, 2002
    This report is available in PDF (17K)

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Chronicle of economic events 2002

    Chronicle of economic events 2002 (PDF 72K)

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Conference on the Northern Dimension

    Conference on the Northern Dimension, Luxembourg, 21 October 2002 Halldor Asgrimsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, Chairman of the Arctic Council Mr. Chairman Let me begin by thanking ...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Ministry of Finance - News Release No. 31/2002.

    News ReleaseNo. 31/2002

    The Minister of Finance accepts an invitation to serveo...

  • Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Arctic Council 3rd Ministerial Meeting

    Arctic Council 3rd Ministerial Meeting, Inari, 9-10 October 2002 Round Table Discussion on Future Perspectives Halldór Asgrimsson, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Iceland Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gen...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    1999 - 2002 - Fiscal budget information

    2002 Speech by Minister of Finance, Mr. Geir H. Haarde to the Althingi The 2003 Fiscal Budget, October 4, 2002 The Fiscal Budget Proposal 2003 - News Release October 1, 2002 Highlights of the 2003...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    News release no. 28/2002. October 1, 2002. The 2003 Fiscal Budget.

    News Release No. 28/2002 News Release The 2003 Fiscal Budget - Continuing economic growth based on secure public finances - The proposed budget for 2003 anticipates a revenue surplus of ISK 10....

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    The Budget Proposal for 2003

    The Budget Proposal for 2003 Highlights of the Budget Proposal for the year 2003 (77K) have been translated and are available in Adobe Acrobat format October 1, 2002 Economic Outlook for Iceland (PDF...

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Press release No. 02/45 from the International Monetary Fund. September 28, 2002

    Press release No. 02/45 from the International Monetary Fund. September 28, 2002. Read the press release http://www.imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2002/pr0245.htm

  • Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs

    Treasury finances in August 2002. Report date: September 19, 2002

    Treasury Finances in AugustReport date September 19, 2002
    This report is available in PDF (16K)

  • Prime Ministers Office

    Prime Minister of Viet Nam

    19 September 2002


    Official dele...

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