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Law and Order
Law and Order
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- EUIPO’s Grand Board rules in favour of Iceland
- Act on Professional Lawyers
- Police Act, No. 90/1996
- General Penal Code, Nr. 19/1940
- Narcotics Act, No. 65/1974
- Agreement between Eurojust and the Republic of Iceland
- Constitution of the Republic of Iceland
- Regulation on management of personal information by the police, No. 322 9 April 2001 with amendment no. 926/2004
- Act on Bankruptcy etc.
- Act on Collection of Evidence Relating to Alleged Violations of Intellectual Property Rights, No. 53/2006
- Extradition of Criminals and Other Assistance in Criminal Proceedings
- Regulation on the legal status of arrested persons, interviews by the police etc., No. 651/2009
- Regulations No. 200/1999 respecting Lawyers´ Professional Indemnity
- Report of the Permanent Committe on Procedural Law on amendments to the Insolvency Regime in relation to the assessment programme with the IMF
- Code of Civil Procedure No. 91, 31 December 1991