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Public Safety and Security
Public Safety and Security
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- Meteorology and Natural Hazards
- AML - CFT policies
- National Security
- Prevention of brush fires
- Schengen
- Possible volcanic activity in southwest Iceland
- GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Transparency of Party Funding (Theme II)
- GRECO - Group og States against Corruption, Evaluation Report on Iceland
- Covid-19 screening mandatory for arriving passengers until spring
- Strict measures to contain the spread of Covid-19 in Iceland
- Civil Protection Act
- Regulation on the Handling of Notifications of Alleged Money Laundering or Terrorist Financing, No. 175/2016
- CPT Report 2005
- Modified rules on restrictions on public gatherings take effect on 14 August
- Iceland‘s National Cybersecurity Strategy 2022-2037 released in English
- Iceland's Third Periodic Report to the United Nations under Articles 16 and 17 of the International Covenant on Economic
- Icelandic Government advice following a volcanic eruption on the Reykjanes peninsula
- Police Act, No. 90/1996
- FAQ regarding amended rules at the borders on testing and quarantine
- Nordic Foreign Ministers receive report on Nordic cooperation on foreign and security policy
- Response to COVID-19 in Iceland
- GRECO - Evaluation Report on Iceland - Incriminiations (ETS 173 and 191, GPC 2) (Theme I)
- A small volcanic eruption in southwest Iceland
- Act giving legal effect to the Defence Agreement between Iceland and the United States and on the legal status of US Forces and properties, No. 110/1951
- Interoperable European COVID-19 vaccination certificate for travellers
- Regulation on management of personal information by the police, No. 322 9 April 2001 with amendment no. 926/2004
- Double border screening for all arriving passengers
- Act on the Icelandic Coast Guard
- A small volcanic eruption has started in Iceland