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Minister announces defence policy formulation and actions
Iceland’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, presented a proposal to the government yesterday for the formulation of a policy for Iceland's security and defence. The new coa...
Visions Nordiques 2025 : Un coup d’envoi réussi
La première édition du festival de cinéma Visions Nordiques a été inaugurée la semaine dernière à Paris, au Grand Action, avec une salle comble pour la projection du film Touch de Baltasar Kormák...
Proposal on the resolution of HF fund
A Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs discussion committee and advisors to the pension funds have jointly drafted proposals on the settlement of Housing Financing Fund (HFF) bonds, which will fac...
Chaleur boréale : Une exposition de peinture contemporaine islandaise à la Galerie de Buci
L'exposition de peinture contemporaine islandaise "Chaleur boréale" mettant en lumière les œuvres des artistes Ástríður Ólafsdóttir, Björk Viggósdóttir et Reinar Foreman a été inaugurée jeudi soir à l...
S&P Global Ratings affirms Iceland at 'A+/A-1', Outlook Stable
S&P Global Ratings has affirmed 'A+/A-1' long- and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Iceland. The outlook is stable. S&P´s ratings on Iceland reflect the countr...
The Minister for Foreign Affairs addressed a UNESCO conference on the situation of women and girls in Afghanistan
The dire situation of women and girls in Afghanistan was discussed at a conference held at the initiative of Iceland at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris today on the occasion of International Women...
Visions Nordiques : Un voyage cinématographique au cœur du grand nord
VISIONS NORDIQUES FRENCH NORDIC FILM DAYS DU 5 AU 9 MARS 2025 AU CINÉMA LE GRAND ACTION, 5 RUE DES ECOLES, 75005 PARIS L‘ambassade d‘Islande est ravie de vous annoncer l’ouverture de la toute premiè...
Iceland and Georgia sign air services agreement
An air services agreement between Iceland and Georgia was signed in Reykjavík today. This is the first air services agreement between the two countries, but preparations for the agreement began in 201...
Joint statement of the leaders of Ukraine and Nordic-Baltic Eight
On 24 February 2025 in Kyiv, the Presidents of Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine and the Prime Ministers of Denmark, Estonia, Iceland, Norway and Sweden issued the following statement: We unequi...
Minister puts emphasis on safeguarding human rights and international system in address to UN Human Rights Council
Foreign Minister Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir today delivered her address to the 58th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council. In her speech, Foreign Minister Gunnarsdóttir emphasize...
Le Prix Sólveig Anspach : Un tremplin pour les jeunes réalisatrices francophones et islandaises
Le Prix Sólveig Anspach, initative de l'Ambassade de France en Islande, l'ambassade d'Islande en France et l'Alliance Française de Reykjavík, récompense des femmes pour leurs premiers courts-métrages ...
Fitch Affirms Iceland at ‘A’; Outlook Stable
Fitch Ratings has affirmed Iceland's Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating (IDR) at 'A' with a Stable Outlook. Iceland's 'A' rating is underpinned by very high income per capita and governa...
Public Offering of the Icelandic State’s Share in Íslandsbanki
The Icelandic Government is preparing to sell its remaining stake in Íslandsbanki, approximately 42,5% of the bank’s shares, over the coming months. The sale will be conducted in accordance with ...
Nordic-Baltic leaders’ statement on Ukraine
Nordic-Baltic leaders’ statement (Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, 14 February 2025) We stand fully and firmly behind Ukraine. Ukraine must be able to prevail aga...
Iceland begins accepting Schengen visa applications in Canada
Please note that, effective February 10th, Iceland will begin accepting Schengen visa applications directly from Canada. Consequently, Denmark will no longer represent Iceland in this capacity. Applic...
Regular Consultation Meeting on Bilateral Relations between Iceland and Greenland
Senior officials from Iceland and Greenland met in Reykjavík on Wednesday to review the bilateral cooperation between the countries. The meeting was part of regular consultations between the countries...
The Minister for Foreign Affairs’ working visit to Ukraine
Thorgerdur Katrín Gunnarsdóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Iceland, made a working visit to Ukraine on Tuesday, 7 January. During the visit she met with Foreign Minister Andrii Sybiha, and Prime...
Finland conducts its first NATO Air Policing Mission in Iceland
A Finnish fighter detachment will arrive in Iceland by the end of January for a NATO Air Policing Mission. The detachment consists of four F/A-18 Hornet fighter jets and up to 50 personnel. ...
Iceland takes seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council
On January 1st, Iceland became a Member of the United Nations Human Rights Council and will serve for a three-year term, or until the end of 2027. "Iceland has been entrusted with the responsibi...
Exposition on Performance-Based University Funding Available in English
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation has published an Exposition on Performance-Based University Funding in English. An Icelandic version was originally published in September 2024...