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OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises

The Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs is a contact point of Iceland (NCP) for the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

National Contact Points (NCPs) assist enterprises and their stakeholders in taking appropriate steps to strengthen compliance and provide a forum for resolving issues that may arise in the implementation of these guidelines.

Case-handling procedure - Where to file a complaint:

If you want to submit a complaint to the Icelandic NCP, please send it to the Ministry's                   general email address: mvf@mvf.is.  

         The complaint must state the following:

  • Contact information, e.g. name, social security number, email address and telephone number of the person making the complaint.
  • On whose behalf the complaint is being made.
  • Name, address, and other relevant information about the company, authority or organization to which the complaint is directed.
  • Reasons for the complaint, including a description of the events, conduct and role of the company concerned and a reference to the part of the OECD's Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises on Responsible Business Conduct that the complainant believes the company has not complied with.
  • Copies of documents supporting the complaint.

    If questions arise:
    Send an e-mail to the Icelandic NCP, which is located in the office of Trade and Tourism in the Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, at the general e-mail address of the ministry mvf@mvf.is if you need help or further instructions regarding the complaint process.


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