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Application - Professional title

The Ministry of Industries and Innovation grants permissions to use some professional titles of experts in the technical and design sectors, on the basis of the Act No 8/1996 on the Authorization of Several Professional Titles of Specialists in Technical and Design Faculties. The Act covers the following professional titles:

  1. Chartered Engineers (verkfræðingar),
  2. Engineers (tæknifræðingar),
  3. Architects (arkitektar),
  4. Constructing Architects (byggingafræðingar),
  5. Furniture and Interior Architects (Furniture and Interior Designers), or part of this title, (húsgagna- og innanhússarkitektar (húsgagna- og innanhússhönnuðir),
  6. Technicians (iðnfræðingar),
  7. Landscape Architects (Landscape Designers) (landslagsarkitektar (landslagshönnuðuðir)), 
  8. Planners (skipulagsfræðingar),
  9. Electrical Specialists (raffræðingar),
  10. Computer Scientists (tölvunarfræðingar),
  11. Graphic Designers (grafískir hönnuðir).

The right to use the professional titles to which the Act applies or words which cover these titles belongs only to those persons who have:

  1. obtained the Minister's permission, cf. Art. 3 of the Act, or
  2. those who have obtained the Minister's confirmation of a permission to have a corresponding professional title which has been granted in a State being a party to the Agreement on the European Economic Area or a Member State of the Convention Establishing the European Free Trade Association or the Faroe Islands, cf. Art. 4 of the Act.

No person may be granted a permission unless s/he has completed a degree in the relevant profession.  Rules on which study is considered to lead to a degree in the relevant profession can be found here (in Icelandic). The right to obtain a permission have those who have completed studies according to the Rules in the opinion of the Minister, after receiving the opinion of the relevant professional association.

Application for a permission to use a professional title

You can apply for a permission to use the professional title electronically through the My Government pages: https://minarsidur.stjr.is/web/login.html

You can sign in with your electronic ID (rafræn skilríki) or the Ice Key (Íslykill) - or with your social security number and password. (Further instructions on logging in and using the website can be found here).

After logging in, select the tab „Eyðublöð“ (Forms) at the top of the page. The relevant application form is available under the Ministry: Atvinnuvega- og nýsköpunarráðuneyti (Ministry of Industries and Innovation). Please note that the form may be saved during processing but the application will not be received by the Ministry until the application has been submitted.

The Application Process:

The Ministry of Industries and Innovation sends applications for a Permit to the appropriate professional association, which has two months to submit a recommendation to the Ministry on whether to accept or reject the application, based on the applicant´s educational qualifications.

If the comment is positive, the Ministry will issue a Permit, as well as an invoice for a fee that must be paid for the Permit in accordance with the Treasury Supplementary Income Act, no. 88/1991 [This fee is ISK 11.000 kr. in 2020.]. The invoice will only appear in the applicant's online bank. Once a payment has been made, the Permit is sent to the applicant's legal domicile (lögheimili). Subsequently, the name of the person in question is published in the Ministry's list of those who have been granted permission to use the appropriate professional title. A list of Permit holders can be found at the bottom of this page.

If the applicant is unable to submit an application through the My Government pages, then please contact the Ministry by e-mail to: anr@anr.is or by phone: 545-9700.

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