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Gender budgeting

Gender budgeting is one form of gender mainstreaming. It promotes better economic management and informed decisions, contributing to prosperity and well-being in society. National budgets reflect countries’ values and priorities. Due to different situations of women and men, girls and boys and non-binary individuals in society, the budget can have different impact on people. However, this difference may not be clear since the budget appears to be gender neutral. Gender budgeting is intended to make existing gender differences visible. Subsequently, gender perspectives should be considered through the entire budgeting process. The aim is that budgeting provisions support the government’s objectives of gender equality.


The collection and allocation of public funds has different impact on various groups, due to their different status and role in society. Gender budgeting analyses the gender impact of budget provisions.

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Gender budgeting is mandatory at state level and the work is framed by a five-year plan, overseen by a steering committee with representatives from all ministries.



Gender budgeting advances the following sustainable development goals:

Gender Equality   Reduced Inequalities   Peace, justice and strong institutions

For further information contact: Marta Birna Baldursdóttir

E-mail: marta.baldursdottir@fjr.is

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