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Consular Affairs

Assisting Icelandic citizens 

The Consular Affairs Unit of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs safeguards the interest and safety of Icelandic citizens abroad. The Unit can be reached all year round, 24 hours a day, via number + 354 545 0 112

Information on travel to Iceland

People intending to travel to Iceland should inquire with the Directorate of Immigration whether they need to obtain a visa prior to arrival. The processing time of Schengen visas is 10 working days so be sure to file an application in good time.


Apostille authentication and chain authentication

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs is responsible for certifying documents issued by Icelandic authorities, but documents are received and processed at the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík, Hlíðasmári 1, 201 Kópavogur

Apostille authentication and chain authentication are international certifications of documents that are to be used in a foreign country. Authentication confirms the authenticity of a signature and stamp on a public document issued by an Icelandic authority.

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs authenticates documents issued by Icelandic authorities. The document is authenticated by attaching an Apostille certificate to it or in the case of chain authentication by the Ministry's stamp.

Please note that the Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not legalise documents issued outside of Iceland. 

Which documents can get authentication?

The following documents can be authenticated:

  • Original documents that are signed and stamped by an Icelandic authority. Such as Registers Iceland, Iceland Revenue and Customs, Icelandic Medicines Agency, etc.
  • Icelandic documents that have been notarised by a District Commissioner (notarius publicus) with an official stamp and signature. Including, but not limited to documents such as power of attorney, purchase of real estate abroad, doctors’ notes, adoption papers, university diplomas, etc.

What it costs 

Fee per authentication is 2.700 ISK. 

Fee for postage is 2.000 ISK. 

How long does it take? 

The documents are ready after 14:00, two working days after the Ministry recieves them. 

What you need 

If you have an Icelandic kennitala you can fill out your request online at Ísland.is

If you do not have an Icelandic kennitala you fill out a request form for authentication at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs front desk or send a request by e-mail to apostille@mfa.is

The request must include:

  • Contact information, including name, phone number and e-mail address of applicant.
  • Receiving country where documents will be used.
  • Number of documents to be authenticated.

Payment must be made in advance. Payment can be made by:

  • Bank transfer to account: 0303-26-269, kt: 670269-4779. A receipt must be sent to apostille@mfa.is

  • For international bank transfers: IBAN IS80 0303 2600 0269 6702 6947 79 SWIFT ESJAISRE

Bank name: Arion Bank, Borgartún 19, 105 Reykjavík 

Account of: Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Reykjastræti 8, 101 Reykjavík

  • Credit card at the front desk of the District Commissioner of Greater Reykjavík.

Please note that if documents need to be translated into Icelandic the process is as follows: 

  • Have the document translated by a translator certified in Iceland.
  • Get the translation notarised by a District Commissioner in Iceland.
  • Request authentication at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in Reykjavík.

Consular assistance

Consular assistance is the assistance that Icelandic citizens who are in distress or other difficulties can obtain from the Icelandic Consular service in the Icelandic Foreign Ministry or Icelandic foreign missions (embassies and consulates).

Assistance can take the following form

  • helping people to help themselves, i.e., advice and information
  • the reissuing of lost or stolen Icelandic passports
  • measures in connection with serious illness or death of an Icelandic citizen abroad
  • measures in connection with major accidents and disasters involving Icelandic citizens abroad.

Contact the Consular service for further information about Consular assistance. tel + 354 545 0 112.

Laws and regulations


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