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Ministry for Forei...
Showing 121-140 of 279 results.
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  • 25 April 2022 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Children, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour

    Iceland to welcome up to 140 vulnerable refugees from Ukraine

    The Government of Iceland approved on April 22 a recommendation of the Prime Minister, Minister of Social Affairs and the Labour Market, Minister of Justice, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Minister of ...

  • 24 March 2022 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Defence exercise Northern Viking 2022 to take place in Iceland

    The defence exercise Northern Viking 2022 will take place in Iceland and surrounding waters on 2-14 April. The main purpose of the exercise is to practice the defence of the sea routes around Iceland ...

  • 07 March 2022 / Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour, Prime Minister's Office, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    The Minister of Justice permits temporary protection due to mass flight

    The Minister of Justice has decided, following local and international consultations, to immediately activate Article 44 of the Foreign Nationals Act No 80/2016, in light of the mass flight following ...

  • 27 February 2022 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Further solidarity measures for Ukraine

    Iceland has decided to close its airspace to Russian air traffic and suspend visa facilitation for Russian officials, business people and other such parties. "Like our friends and allies, we stand in ...

  • 24 February 2022 / Prime Minister's Office, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland strongly condemns Russia’s attacks on Ukraine

    The Government of Iceland strongly condemns Russia’s attacks on Ukraine and expresses deep concern for the destruction and suffering that Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will inevitably cause. "Our thoug...

  • 23 February 2022 / Ministry of Health, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    COVID-19: Lifting of all domestic restrictions and restrictions at the border

    Minister of Health, Willum Þór Þórsson has decided that as of Friday 25 February all public restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic will be lifted, both domestically and at the border. Thereby all ...

  • 28 January 2022 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    66°North and UN Women receive grants to create jobs for refugee women

    66°North and UN Women have received grants from the Sustainable Development Goals Partnership Fund for development cooperation to work on a job creation project for refugee women from developing count...

  • 27 January 2022 / Ministry of Food٫ Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of Culture and Business Affairs, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Nordic Bridges cultural initiative kicks off today!

    Nordic art and culture will be placed firmly in the spotlight when the Nordic Bridges cultural initiative officially launches in Canada on 27 January 2022. Built on pillars such as resilience and arti...

  • 21 January 2022 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Statement by the Nordic Ministers of Defence regarding the situation in and near Ukraine

    Today, the Nordic Ministers of Defence, including Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation of Iceland, issued the following stateme...

  • 07 January 2022 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Kerecis receives a grant from the SDG Partnership Fund

    The medical fish skin company Kerecis has received a 230,000 USD grant from the Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs’s SDG Partnership Fund to support the Kerecis Community Project in Cairo. Kerecis...

  • 07 January 2022 / Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    COVID-19: Border measures remain unchanged until the end of February

    Regulation on COVID-19 measures at the border will remain unchanged until 28 February. Proposals on measures for the spring will be introduced no later than 20 February. This was decided at a cabinet...

  • 04 January 2022 / Ministry of Justice, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Agreement between Iceland and the United Kingdom on Youth Mobility

    UK nationals can now apply for Working Holiday residence permits in Iceland and Icelandic nationals are eligible to apply for Youth Mobility Scheme visas in the UK. This is based on an agreement betwe...

  • 21 December 2021 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Joint statement by the Nordic Ministers of Defence on Ukraine

    The Nordic Ministers of Defence, including Thórdís Kolbrún Reykfjörð Gylfadóttir, Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation of Iceland, issued the following statement on 2...

  • 03 December 2021 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Foreign Minister Gylfadóttir attended NATO and OSCE ministerial meetings

    Thórdís Kolbrún R. Gylfadóttir, who took office as Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Development Cooperation of Iceland, earlier this week, took part in two international ministerial meet...

  • 27 November 2021 / Ministry of Health, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    COVID-19: Stricter border measures due to new Omicron variant

    All passengers that have stayed in a defined high-risk zone for more than 24 hours in the past 14 days shall undergo a PCR test upon arrival followed by quarantine that ends with another test five da...

  • 24 November 2021 / Ministry of Food٫ Agriculture and Fisheries, Ministry of the Environment٫ Energy and Climate, Prime Minister's Office, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    COP26 results a cause for optimism, says Iceland‘s Environment Minister

    Guðmundur Ingi Guðbrandsson, Iceland‘s Minister for the Environment and Natural Resources, says that the final results of COP26 in Glasgow is a source of optimism for the most urgent task of the 21st ...

  • 17 November 2021 / Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Education and Children

    Iceland elected to the UNESCO Executive Board

    Iceland has been elected to the Executive Board of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation at its ongoing General Conference in Paris. Iceland received 168 votes in today’...

  • 12 November 2021 / Ministry of Health, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    COVID-19: Stricter measures, a 50 person restriction on the number of people at gatherings, and a substantial vaccination push

    The Minister of Health has, in keeping with the recommendations of the Chief Epidemiologist, decided to implement much stricter disease-prevention measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 infections...

  • 10 November 2021 / Ministry of Education and Children, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland’s candidacy emphases presented at the UNESCO General Conference

    Delegates of Iceland have presented their points of emphases for Iceland’s Executive Board candidacy to the UNESCO General Conference. Iceland has been increasing its activities and contributions...

  • 09 November 2021 / Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of the Environment٫ Energy and Climate, Ministry for Foreign Affairs

    Iceland‘s message at COP26: We need to upgrade our pledges

    The message from Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir at the UN Climte Change Conference (COP26) in Glasgow was clear. We need to do more, since the Paris pledges will not suffice to keep global warming...

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